#!/usr/bin/perl # mediafire folder download script # designed to download the contents of a folder on mediafire # it's actually kind of slow, but that's mediafire's fault # unsure if downloading portion has error or if that's the uploader's fault # but not all archives arrive intact # provides: # &list_contents(mediafire_folder_id) # &mfget(mediafire_download_id) # will prompt for captcha once every ~6 downloads unfortunately, delays 80 seconds between dls # names files by mediafire id since url-encoded utf8 strings are retarded # :3c use strict; use warnings "all"; use LWP::UserAgent; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent=>'loldongs/1.0',timeout=>'15',show_progress=>'1'); my $method = "wget"; #wget or lwp &list_contents('1h0h4dsc2b0y2'); sub list_contents { my $folder = shift(@_); my $res = $ua->get("http://www.mediafire.com/api/folder/get_content.php?r=plwp&content_type=files&filter=all&order_by=name&order_direction=asc&version=2&folder_key=" . $folder . "&response_format=json"); if ($res->is_success) { my $content = $res->decoded_content; my @links; while ($content=~s/"quickkey":"(.+?)","filename":"(.+?)",//) { my $link = $1; my $name = $2; if ($name=~/flac/i) { next; } push @links, $1; } my $total = scalar(@links); $total--; for (0..$total) { print "[$_ / $total] http://www.mediafire.com/?" . $links[$_] . "\n"; &mfget($links[$_]); } } } sub mfget { my $id = shift(@_); my $res = $ua->get("http://www.mediafire.com/?" . $id); if ($res->decoded_content=~m|= "(http://.+?/[0-9a-z]{12}/$id/.+?)";|) { my $url = $1; my $ext = $url; $ext=~s/^.+\.//; #get only the extension if ($method eq "lwp") { $ua->get($url,":content_file" => $id . $ext); } elsif ($method eq "wget") { system("wget -U 'loldongs/1.0' $url"); } {$| = 1; for (1..80) { print "#"; sleep(1); } } } else { print "OH NO IT'S A CAPTCHA!!!\n"; system("start http://www.mediafire.com/?" . $id); system("pause"); &mfget($id); } }
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