#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; usage() unless $ARGV[2]; my @searchTerm; my @checkTerm; if(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "r57") { push(@searchTerm, "inurl:r57.php"); push(@searchTerm, "\"[ phpinfo ] [ php.ini ] [ cpu ] [ mem ] [ users ] [ tmp ] [ delete ]\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:r57shell"); push(@checkTerm, "r57"); push(@checkTerm, "safe_mode"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "c99") { push(@searchTerm, "inurl:c99.php"); push(@searchTerm, "\"Encoder Tools Proc. FTP brute Sec. SQL PHP-code Update Feedback Self remove Logout\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\" - phpshell\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\" - c99shell\""); push(@checkTerm, "c99"); push(@checkTerm, "Safe-mode"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "mys") { push(@searchTerm, "\"Auto error traping enabled\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"MyShell 1.1.0 build 20010923\""); push(@checkTerm, "MyShell"); push(@checkTerm, "Echo commands"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "phs") { push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"PHP Shell 1.5\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"PHP Shell 1.6\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"PHP Shell 1.7\""); push(@searchTerm, "\"Enable stderr-trapping?\""); push(@checkTerm, "PHP Shell"); push(@checkTerm, "Choose new working"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "phm") { push(@searchTerm, "\"PHPShell by Macker\""); push(@searchTerm, "\"[ Main Menu ] [ PHPKonsole ] [ Haxplorer ]\""); push(@checkTerm, "Haxplorer"); push(@checkTerm, "PHPKonsole"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "rem") { push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"phpRemoteView: \""); push(@searchTerm, "\"REMVIEW TOOLS\""); push(@checkTerm, "phpRemoteView"); push(@checkTerm, "perms"); } if(!@searchTerm) { print "Error: [shell to find] is a unknown shell\n" and die; } my $outputOn; if(lc($ARGV[1]) eq "on") { $outputOn = 1; } elsif(lc($ARGV[1]) eq "off") { $outputOn = 0; } else { print "Error: [screen output] must be \"on\" or \"off\"\n" and die; } my $outputFile; if(index(lc($ARGV[2]), ".htm") > 0) { $outputFile = $ARGV[2]; } else { print "Error: [output HTML file] must be *.htm or *.html\n" and die; } open(FILEHANDLE, ">$outputFile"); print FILEHANDLE "PHP Shell's \n"; close FILEHANDLE; my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new; $userAgent->agent("User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/"); my @resultLinks; foreach(@searchTerm) { print "[*] Query for \"$_\"\n" if($outputOn == 1); my $isLastPage = 0; for(my $gPage = 0; ; $gPage++) { if($isLastPage == 1) { last; } my $gRequest = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://www.google.de/search?q=$_&start=$gPage"."0"); my $gResource = $userAgent->request($gRequest); if($gResource->is_success) { my @gContent = split("", $gResource->content); if(@gContent < 10) { $isLastPage = 1; }; for(my $gPiece = 1; $gPiece < @gContent; $gPiece++) { my $shellLink = substr($gContent[$gPiece], index($gContent[$gPiece], "href=\"") + 6); $shellLink = substr($shellLink, 0, index($shellLink, "\"")); print "[*] Check status of site \"$shellLink\"\n" if($outputOn == 1); my $sRequest = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $shellLink); my $sResource = $userAgent->request($sRequest); if($sResource->is_success) { if(index($sResource->content, $checkTerm[0]) != -1 && index($sResource->content, $checkTerm[1]) != -1) { open(FILEHANDLE, ">>$outputFile"); print FILEHANDLE "Link: $shellLink
\n"; print FILEHANDLE "Search Term: $_
\n"; close FILEHANDLE; print "[+] Found shell: $shellLink\n" if($outputOn == 1); } else { print "[-] No shell\n" if($outputOn == 1); } } else { print "[-] Offline\n" if($outputOn == 1); } } sleep 20; #wait 20 seconds so google dont think we are a bot } else { print "Unable to query google\n" and die; } } } open(FILEHANDLE, ">>$outputFile"); print FILEHANDLE "Find PHP Shells via Google - by DiA/RRLF "; close FILEHANDLE; sub usage { print qq( Find PHP Shells via Google - by DiA/RRLF (http://www.vx-dia.de.vu) Usage: perl $0 [shell to find] [screen output] [output HTML file] [shell to find] can be: r57 - find r57shell c99 - find c99shell mys - find MyShell phs - find PHP Shell phm - find PHPShell (Macker) rem - find phpRemoteView [screen output] can be: on - every step the script doas get printed on the screen off - no output, the script just writes to the output file [output HTML file] must be: *.htm or *.html Example: perl $0 c99 on c99shells.htm perl $0 mys off manyshells.htm ) and exit; }
08 November 2012
BackDoor Finder
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